I started learning to code back in high school with Visual Basic .Net before YouTube tutorials were a thing but eventually gave up because it was too hard to learn hacking, proxies for school internet, and video games. During the Covid pandemic I started with visual coding with Dreams on the PS4 but realized I would rather learn an actual language to program in and found out about Unity 3D and C#. I did mostly Game Dev but dabbled in WinForms and WPF as well for about 9 months before remotely attending the Coder Foundry .Net Developer Bootcamp which taught me web development using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS as well as Asp.Net Core. Since then, I have made many mistakes and learned a little about a whole lot of technologies. I still enjoy doing game dev as a hobby, but I am mainly focused on web development, DevOps, cloud technologies, and the world of microservices.
- 🌍 I'm based in Oakland, CA
- ✉️ You can contact me on LinkedIn or check out my Portfolio
- 🚀 I'm currently working on updating and making content for my blog and creating side projects to help boost my portfolio
- 🧠 I am frequently learning new things about Asp.Net Core, Docker, some AWS services, Ubuntu/Linux, microservices, Unity's Gaming Services, and DevOps
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