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Typing-Simulator Typing


Typing Simulator is a front end project which allows user to do typing, but there is a catch user won't be able to type more swiftly as there will be a delay of 0.8s when ever user pushes the right word by pressing space bar.

Instructions !


Typing Simulator is not like other typing testers as it introduces pop up animation which pushes the word out of the container when a user successfully completes a word and hit spacebar to move on to the next word.

For Focus 💫

By default focus will be on the container having words in it, when ever user click any where else on the screen the focus is lost (unset by default), so in order to regain focus click any where near text and start typing.

For Typing 💬

Start typing and when you are about to complete the word hit spacebar to pop that word out ( word will pop out using some specified animation). If you don't hit space bar when you reach the end of a word nothing will happen, so inorder to move to the next word you need to hit spacebar This project is still in progress and will be completed soon!.

Live Preview (Till Now)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the project
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Run Project
yarn start (For live-server to run)
yarn compile:sass (For compiling sass code into css file)

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