DicomJSON is a pydicom python package overlay. It was made for simplify DICOM file generation based on template (JSON) and image (PNG) files.
You will find in this repository two scripts.
- Convert *.dcm file to two files
- One JSON file describe all DICOM fields
- One PNG file represent the image available in the PixelData DICOM field
usage: dicom2json.py [-h] input_file [-rdf REMOVE_DICOM_FIELDS [REMOVE_DICOM_FIELDS ...]]
positional arguments:
input_file dicom to convert to json
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
remove DICOM fields after extraction. The list of possible values is available in the file '_dicom_dict.py' at the root of the folder where
the 'Keyword' for each field is specified.
- Convert DICOM object(s) describe in a json file
- You can find an example in the 'input' folder named 'test.json'
- This file contains the following entries for one object. Note: You can have only one object or a array of objects in this file!
- "template": Path to JSON file extracted from dicom2json.py script
- It will be used as template for your DICOM generation
- "image": Path to PNG file extracted from dicom2json.py script
- It will be used as image for your DICOM generation. This image override the following DICOM fields
- BitsAllocated
- BitsStored
- HighBits
- Rows
- Columns
- PixelData
- "data": DICOM data described as you can see in the dicom2json.py output file. If a data is present in this field, you'll override the DICOM field value available in "template".
For example, if you want to override PatientName DICOM field value, you need to write in your *.json file: { "data": { "00100010": { "Value": [ { "Alphabetic": "John^Doe" } ], "vr": "PN" } } }
- "template": Path to JSON file extracted from dicom2json.py script
- This file contains the following entries for one object. Note: You can have only one object or a array of objects in this file!
- You can find an example in the 'input' folder named 'test.json'
usage: json2dicom.py [-h] input_json_file [-o OUTPUT_FILENAME]
positional arguments:
input_json_file json to convert to dicom
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
You can install all requirements for this repository using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The pydicom Python library cannot extract DICOM fields with 'DS' as VR type and field value with only '' as characters