Parses .feature files to .e2e.js files for detox usage.
By default, you can pass an arbitrary number files paths and they will be parsed.
python3 <abs_path_1>/dir1/file1.feature <abs_path_2>/dir2/file2.feature ...
The new files will be saved inside the step_definitions/
directory, which will be created inside the directory containing the first file passed to the program.
So in this case, all output files will be saved inside <abs_path_1>/dir1/setp_definitions/
If you want to, you can tell it to parse all files inside a given directory passing it the -d
python3 -d <abs_path>/dir/
Here, all .feature files inside <abs_path>/dir
will be parsed and the resulting files will be saved inside <abs_path>/dir/step_definitions
You can always run the program with the help flag for more information.
python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-d] [-V] path [path ...]
Parse files from [.feature] format into [.e2e.js] format
positional arguments:
path Path to work with
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --dir parses all files in specified directory
-V, --version shows CLI version
Being the input file 'USxxxAwesomeThing.feature':
Feature: An awesome new feature
USxxx: Some cool user story
Scenario: The feature works fine
Given some precondition
When the user touches a magic button
Then incredible things happen
python3 USxxxAwesomeThing.feature
will create the following file inside the step_definitions
Note that this directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
The output will be the 'USxxxAwesomeThing.e2e.js' file:
* Author: Gabriel Chicote
// Add corresponding imports. For example:
import { describe } from 'jest-circus';
describe( 'USxxx - An awesome new feature', () => {
beforeAll( () => {
await device.launchApp();
} );
beforeEach( () => {
await device.reloadReactNative();
} );
describe( 'The feature works fine', () => {
const given = 'Given some precondition'
const when = 'When the user touches a magic button'
const then = 'Then incredible things happen'
test( `${given}, ${when} ${then}`, async () => {
} );