Web interface that allows simple HTTP-based GET and PUT access to an S3 bucket with unarchiving capability.
Runs on port 3000.
This application provides no front-end security for either read or write operations and is intended to be put behind an authenticated gatway such as https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-gatekeeper.
Accepts uploads of type application/octet-stream, text/plain. Content-Type for download is based on the file extension.
If the pathname of an upload ends with either .zip or .tar.gz, then the archive will automatically be exploded into a directory with that name.
The following JVM System Properties are supported
- backend.mode - Optional - can be set to 'stub' to use an in-memory storage backend instead of S3
- aws.s3.region - AWS region containing the S3 bucket
- aws.s3.bucket - Name of the S3 bucket
- aws.access.key.id - Access key ID for the IAM credentials
- aws.secret.access.key - Secret access key for the IAM credentials
- aws.s3.kms.key.id - KMS key ID to use for encryption (optional - KMS will be disabled if this is not specified)
- aws.s3.endpoint - S3 endpoint (optional, used for testing with tools like localstack)
- external.endpoint - Base URL of the application (for WAF/gateway use)
- logging.simple - By default this application uses the Logback Logstash JSON encoder. Setting this property to "true" will use a simpler human-readable log format
java \
-Daws.s3.region=eu-west-2 \
-Daws.s3.bucket=bukkit \
-Daws.access.key.id=xyzzy \
-Daws.secret.access.key=plugh \
-Dlogging.simple \
-jar target/s3web-1.0.0.jar
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/site/site.tar.gz -H"Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary @./site.tar.gz