My dotfiles
- zsh (oh-my-posh)
- nvim (lazy)
- tmux
- kitty
- sketchybar (mac only)
- nix
... and more :)
(Add images here later)
Add flake repo and wallpapers repo to link later
- brew (brewfile)
- sketchybar
- rectangle (window tiling manager)
My neovim config is here but since it's a bigger configuration it has it's own readme you can look it up
- kitty (details on kitty.conf but colorscheme = catppuccin and font = Jetbrains Mono)
- zsh
- oh-my-posh (custom theme inside zsh/)
- zoxide
- lsd
- fzf (+ ripgrep)
- nvim using lazy (nvim config included, based on kickstart.nvim)
- tmux
- lazy docker (tui)