Tool to manipulate PDF files with Ghostscript and Pdftk. The Ghostscript is native in Linux, and Pdftk is in bin folder and is compiled only for Linux x64.
This repository is an example of manipulating PDF with few operations, feel free to fork and contribute.
- Requirements
- Any version of Linux x64
- Imagemagick installed
- Deploy on Heroku
heroku git:remote -a <app name>
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
heroku buildpacks
git commit -am 'installing buildpack heroku-buildpack-imagemagick' --allow-empty
git push heroku master
- Using
const PdfTool = require('pdf-tool')
let stampFile = yield PdfTool
.moveFrame(5950, 8420, 0, -400)
let onePage = yield PdfTool
.moveFrame(5950, 8420, -50, 0)
yield onePage.clean()
yield stampFile.clean()
- npm test