A Petri net is a particular kind of directed bipartite graph (or digraph) together with an initial state called the initial marking. It contains two types of nodes, places, and transitions. In graphical representation, places are drawn as circles, and transitions as bars. Arcs are either from a place to a transition or from a transition to a place. Arcs are labeled with their weights (positive integers). Labels for unity weight are usually omitted. A marking (state) assigns to each place a nonnegative integer k; we say that p is marked with k tokens. Pictorially, we place k black dots (tokens) in place p. If k is large, one can simply write the number k inside p to represent k tokens. A marking is denoted by M, an m-vector, where m is the total number of places. The number of tokens in p is denoted by M(p).
This project implements the Generalized state equation for non-autonomous Petri nets with different types of arcs for a concurrent monitor algorithm and the minimal coberability tree algorithm, using modern C++.
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│ ├── AgentFactory.hpp
│ ├── Agent.hpp
│ ├── AgentImmediate.hpp
│ ├── AlgorithmEngine.hpp
│ ├── AlgorithmMinCov.hpp
│ ├── Engine.hpp
│ ├── EventGenerator.hpp
│ ├── HourTimeLogic.hpp
│ ├── Logger.hpp
│ ├── MicrTimeLogic.hpp
│ ├── MilliTimeLogic.hpp
│ ├── MinuTimeLogic.hpp
│ ├── Monitor.hpp
│ ├── NanoTimeLogic.hpp
│ ├── NodeState.hpp
│ ├── OmegaTransition.hpp
│ ├── OutputParser.hpp
│ ├── PetriBuilder.hpp
│ ├── PetriDirector.hpp
│ ├── PetriNetwork.hpp
│ ├── PlaceTransitionNet.hpp
│ ├── Queue.hpp
│ ├── ReadFile.hpp
│ ├── ReadJSON.hpp
│ ├── ReadXML.hpp
│ ├── SecoTimeLogic.hpp
│ ├── TemporalHourAgent.hpp
│ ├── TemporalMicroAgent.hpp
│ ├── TemporalMilliAgent.hpp
│ ├── TemporalMinuteAgent.hpp
│ ├── TemporalNanoAgent.hpp
│ ├── TemporalPlaceTransitionNet.hpp
│ ├── TemporalSecondAgent.hpp
│ └── TimeLogic.hpp
├── lib
│ ├── AnalysisEngine.hpp
│ ├── args.hxx
│ ├── entityPN.hpp
│ ├── json.hpp
│ ├── MathEngine.hpp
│ ├── PetriMatrix.hpp
│ ├── pugiconfig.hpp
│ ├── pugixml.cpp
│ ├── pugixml.hpp
│ ├── sha1.hpp
├── README.md
├── src
│ ├── AgentFactory.cpp
│ ├── AgentImmediate.cpp
│ ├── AlgorithmMinCov.cpp
│ ├── Engine.cpp
│ ├── main.cpp
│ ├── Monitor.cpp
│ ├── PetriNetwork.cpp
│ ├── PlaceTransitionNet.cpp
│ ├── Queue.cpp
│ ├── ReadJSON.cpp
│ ├── ReadXML.cpp
│ ├── TemporalHourAgent.cpp
│ ├── TemporalMicroAgent.cpp
│ ├── TemporalMilliAgent.cpp
│ ├── TemporalMinuteAgent.cpp
│ ├── TemporalNanoAgent.cpp
│ ├── TemporalPlaceTransitionNet.cpp
│ └── TemporalSecondAgent.cpp
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake .. -G[Ninja] -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug | Coverage | Release]
> make [ninja]
> ./Petrinet -opt [file_input]
"network": {
"id": "name_PN",
"amount_places": "N",
"amount_transitions": "M",
"time_scale": "none || unit",
"is_temporal": "false || true",
"network_type": "discrete || continuos || colored"
"index": "N",
"type": "Type",
"initial_marking": "K"
"guard":"true || false",
"event": "true || false"
"from_place": "true || false",
"source": "i",
"target": "j",
"weight": "W"
"firesequence_agents": [
"type": "immediate",
"sequence": [...]
Please, use discussion to get more information about the project or the algorithms or open a issue if you want.