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❗ Equalizer is a website, made with Noobframework, that solves quadratic equations and presents their maximum and minimum values. The project was made using only PHP, HTML and CSS.
Variable insertion screen:
- Sending the inputted data A, B and C
Resolution screen:
- Show results for X' and X"
- Button redirects to the maximum and minimum point screen
Maximum and minimum point screen:
- Show the maximum and minimum points according to the variables
- Button redirects to the quadratic function creation screen
Anoter features:
- Dynamic content between actions
- Code reuse
Some videos of the project's look:
- PHP >= 7.1
- apache with Rewrite mode enabled
Just clone or download this repository. :)
If you use docker, at the root of the project there is a Dockerfile file with the minimum requirements to run the project.
You can run with docker by building the image and running it.
For example, at the root of the project, execute:
docker build -t equalizer .
docker run -d --name equalizer -p 80:80 -v $(pwd):/var/www/html equalizer
If you use the built-in PHP server on local development, start it with router.php
as the input file, to effective route rewrite. Below is an example of the command. Run at the root of the project:
php -S localhost:8080 router.php
- Fork the project.
- Create a new branch with your changes:
git checkout -b my-feature
- Save your changes and create a commit message telling you what you did:
git commit -m "feature: My new feature"
- Submit your changes:
git push origin my-feature
Gabriel Gustavo
Noobframework is a MVC framework with automated friendly URL in PHP for beginners. Aimed at anyone learning the MVC design pattern in PHP. See more in Noobframework repo.
This project is under the MIT license.
Made with ❤️ by Gabriel Gustavo Contact