Cold Storage of Gamerbits Private Keys on MaidSafe's SAFE Network
Node.js App for SAFE Launcher
SAFE App API plugin for SAFE Browser
SAFE Authenticator plugin for SAFE Browser
examples showcasing various features of the SAFE Network
wr / dogecoinpaperwallet
Forked from nsfmc/paperwalletJavaScript Client-Side Dogecoin Wallet Generator
JavaScript Client-Side Litecoin Wallet Generator
Self contained offline javacsript Monero wallet generator
Java GUI client to generate Google authentication codes
JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
Gamerbit / Ethplorer
Forked from EverexIO/EthplorerViewer of Ethereum tokens and transactions based on ERC20 standard.
Gamerbit / go-ethereum
Forked from ethereum/go-ethereumOfficial Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
Gamerbit / CactusJump
Forked from Mindavi/CactusJumpJumping game for an Arduino with an OLED screen. Inspired by the Chromium T-Rex Runner game.
Angular 2 component shows slim loading bar at the top of the page.
Gamerbit / omniEngine
Forked from OmniLayer/omniEngineThis will be the engine that drives the data for the Omniwallet back end database
Omni Core on Litecoin
Gamerbit / odometer
Forked from HubSpot/odometerSmoothly transitions numbers with ease. #hubspot-open-source
Gamerbit / MyEtherWallet
Forked from MyCryptoHQ/MyCryptoMyEtherWallet (v4+)
Gamerbits / go-ethereum
Forked from ethereum/go-ethereumOfficial Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
ExitCode - The Free, Open-Source, Desktop & Hacking Simulator Game.
MyCrypto is an open-source tool that allows you to manage your Ethereum accounts privately and securely. Developed by and for the community since 2015, we’re focused on building awesome products th…
EverexIO / Ethplorer
Forked from amilabs/EthplorerViewer of Ethereum tokens and transactions based on ERC20 standard.
Smoothly transitions numbers with ease. #hubspot-open-source