- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Gaspard--/Nefarious-Overpowered-Tactical-Hot-Imperfect-Nail-Gun
or download as zip - Install the GLFW, the SFML and the FreeType libraries
into the project directory- Make the release :
mkdir release && cd release && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make
- Launch the game:
- Enjoy!
You can try to compile it on your own now, but a binary will be released soon
You're introduced in the enemy base to test your new weapon : NOTHING. Mmmm ... I mean, your Nefarious Overpowered Tactical Hot Imperfect Nail Gun.
- Move with [QZD]/[AWD]/[Left-Up-Right]
- Shoot and control your N.O.T.H.I.N.G with the mouse and the left click.
- Eat enemies with the right click or the space bar to become bigger and stronger, but don't let enemies eat you !
- The N.O.T.H.I.N.G is an overpowered tactical nail gun:
- Shoot too much an it will overheat, and you will drop it!
- You can fly much better when your gun is dropped
- Enemies can steal and give you hell, be careful!
- The higher the heat, the faster you shoot
- You can nail enemies to walls and platforms, this makes them harmless
- You can nail enemies to enemies (rarer)
- Shoot too much an it will overheat, and you will drop it!
- You shrink over time, feed yourself to stay alive
There are a few bugs linked to terrain generation. If you start in a small room, restart pls :P
- Enjoy our game :)
- Mainly made by Louis Guittard (additional shitty art by the devs)