Visualizing data from the Sleep Cycle phone app in R.
Export the Sleep Cycle data and place it in the project location. In the app, go to Settings > Advanced > Database > Export Database. Input your email address. Once you receive the email, save the "sleepdata.csv" attachment in the same location as these project files.
In RStudio, load the sleep.Rmd R Markdown file. Click the "Knit HTML" button to generate the HTML file containing your sleep charts.
Requires the R library "ggplot2". If necessary, install by running the R command install.packages("ggplot2")
(only needs to be run once).
Sleep Quality by Number of Steps (bars over step ranges)
Sleep Quality by Number of Steps (scatterplot with trend line)
Sleep Quality by Day of Week
Time in Bed by Day of Week
Number of Steps by Day of Week
sleep.R is the R script that loads and cleans the data from the "sleepdata.csv" file. It is called from the R Markdown file automatically.
sleep.Rmd is the R Markdown file that generates the plots. It can be exported to an HTML or PDF file.
sleepdata.csv contains sample data. Replace this file with your own data from the phone app.
sleepdata.Rproj is the RStudio project file.