Tags: Gbury/dolmen
Release 0.10 CHANGES: - Improved the printing of some data-structures (PR#190) - Replace the `Plain` statement with the `Other` statement, which is a more general version (PR#190) - Treat quoted symbols from the stdlib as symbols, regardless of their contents. Previously a `|assert|` would be understood as the reserved work `assert`, allowing e.g. `(|assert| false)`. From now on these are understood as symbols, so one can `(declare |assert| () Bool)` (PR#198) - Add parsing extensions for the smtlib2 language (PR#190, PR#194) - Better split elements of clauses in `cnf` TPTP statements (PR#190) - Ensure illegal chars raise the correct error during lexing (Issue#191, PR#192) - Add printers for smtlib identifiers (PR#198) - Printing of typed expressions (i.e. the Std.Expr module) can now print the tags (PR#210) - Enforce some missing constraints on bitvectors indexes and sizes for the smtlib2 BV theory (PR#172, PR#175) - Slightly improve wording for errors and warnings concerning non linearity and other arithmetic restrictions (PR#184) - More information for reserved Id, resulting in more precise errors when smt2 scripts use reserved ids (PR#193) - Expose implicit declarations/definitions that happen during typechecking (PR#199) - Treat smtlib `:named` annotations as implicit definitions as required by the spec (PR#199) - Add a warning for unknown attributes in smtlib2. This replaces the `unbound id` error that some files could raise before when using non-standard attribtues (PR#207) - Only type annotations on quantified formulas and binders once. Previously, these were typed twice so that they can be attached to both the body of the bound formula and the quantified formula itself. (PR#207, PR#210) - Add the String theory to the ALL logic of smtlib2 (PR#182)
Release 0.9 CHANGES: - Add examples in the doc and tuto for type-checking (including a minimal working example in the tutorial). - Make the unknown logic fatal by default, and simply enabled in non-strict mode (PR#158) - Add the `--check-flow` option to checks coherence of sequences of statements (PR#135) - Ensure stability of error codes for the `dolmen` binary - Add `attrs` fields for all declarations and definition types, and correctly attach predicate attribute to individual definitions (PR#130) - Restore support for toplevel "and" in non-recursive predicate/function definitions in Alt-Ergo syntax (PR #147, fixes issue #144) - Add support for hexadecimal floats in Alt-Ergo syntax (PR #148, fixes issue #145) - Add local goals to the `Prove` statement (PR#140) - Add a check-sat/prove-sat statement to ae's language (PR#140) - Ignore arithmetic restrictions when typing model values. This particularly affects difference logic (PR#141) - Rename theory-specific configuration to `config` (instead of `arith`, `arrays`, etc..) (PR#142) - Add printing function for logics (PR#142) - Attach type definitions to type-defs (PR#157) - Add a proper reason for reserved builtins (PR#155) - Add bitvector builtins for alt-ergo's language (PR#136) - Add possibility for users of the loop library to choose the exit/return code for a `Code.t` (PR#134) - Add the `Flow` module for flow checking (PR#135) - Add the `check` function in `typer.ml`/`typer_intf.ml` - Add `update` and `update_opt` in `State` (PR#156) - Print type definitions in the printer of typed statements (PR#157) - Prelude statements have been removed and replaced with prelude files (PR#160) - `Typer.additional_builtins` is now a `State.key` and takes the current state and language as arguments (PR#160) - Fix bug in bitvector implementation: negative inputs to `bvsmod` would raise an internal error (PR#138) - Remove the "error" keyword and statement from smtlib2 response (model) files (PR#139) - Correctly compare abstract array values (PR#143) - Accept extensions of functions/symbols with only partially defined semantics, for e.g. `fp.to_ubv`, `div`, etc.. (PR#151) - Error out on incremental problems (PR#169)
Release 0.8.1 CHANGES: - Fix handling of size/time limits on windows (PR#117) - Fix spurious printing of backtraces (PR#118) - Add release binaries for windows - Add option for the lsp to read preludes before checking each file (PR#116) - The LSP now sends an empty list of diagnostics upon closing a file (PR#116) - Fix a bug related to alt-ergos function definition, which were previously alwyas non-recursive. Now, alt-ergo's function definitions are always recursive (PR#123) - Add `parse_raw_lazy` to parse a string into a lazy list of statements (PR#125) - Add support for mutually recursive functions and predicates in Alt-ergo's native language (PR#129) - Properly add binding locations for implicit type variables (PR#123) - Ensure that type of recursively defined symbols are freshened to avoid type variables sharing between declaration and definition (PR#123) - Use `GC.finalise` instead of `Gc.finalise_last` in `loop/parser.ml` in order to avoid a bug in the ocaml 5.0 runtime, see ocaml/ocaml#12001 (PR#128) - New module to implement Alarms (size/time limits) (PR#117) - Add optional argument to `Pipeline.run` to specify an alarm implementation (PR#117) - Add a `bt` key to the state to record whether we should print backtraces (PR#118) - Use `parse_raw_lazy` to parse raw contents in full mode if/when necessary (PR#125)
Release 0.8 CHANGES: - Add a minimal reporting style accessible via the `--report-style` option. When used, the `dolmen` binary will use at most one line to output the result of processing the input file - Add an option to the `dolmen` binary to force a specific smtlib2 logic, overriding the one given in the file. This is accessible via the `--force-smtlib2-logic` option - Add some documentation for setting up the lsp with neovim (PR#114) - Added model verification. This currently supports all builtins, except for String/Regular expressions. - Fix long compilation time of tptp parser due to flambda (PR#111) - Replace some `assert false` by proper error messages when there is not the same number of function signatures as function definitions in a `define-funs-rec` command in smtlib2 - Accept all reserved words in s-exprs in smtlib (mainly affects parsing of attributes) - Added a parser for the smtlib model specification language - Fix doc comments mentionning removed parameters (PR #107, issue #106) - Add an option to print syntax error identifiers (mainly to be used for debug) - Register a printer for the `Uncaught_exn` exception (mainly useful for library users) - Add a tag to differentiate predicates from functions in alt-ergo (PR#104) - Properly typecheck s-expressions in attributes for smtlib2 (most notably in :patterns attributes for psmt2) - Cleaned up handling of definitions: instead of using the functors in `Def`, definitions are now simply declared using the functions exposed by the typechecker - Stop emitting unused warnings for type wildcards - Expose term constants in the `Std.Expr` module (PR#112) - Changed the state type from a record to an heterogeneous map. This simplifies interfaces for all Loop modules, and makes it much more extensible. - Added initialization functions for each pipe in order to correctly init the expecteds keys in the state - Allow users to better control the interactive prompt when parsing from stdin (PR#113)
Release 0.7 CHANGES: - Added source input snippet printing for errors and warnings - Fix a bug affecting warning options (e.g. `dolmen --warn=+all` triggered an uncaught exception that is now fixed) * Fix bug in SMTLIB syntax (v2.6 and poly), where the define-funs-rec syntax construction expected an open paren at the end instead of a closing paren - Complete the typing of alt-ergo's builtins PR#89 - Added exhaustivity and redundant pattern matching analysis (redundant patterns trigger a warning, whereas inexhaustive pattern matching trigger a typing error) part of PR#89 - Removed the typing of real and extended bitvector literals from the Float theory. These are not part of the FP specification, so it's better for Dolmen to be strict. Additionally, dependengin on the order of theories, they could shadow the proper typing of such literals and result in bogus warnings/errors PR#79 (see also Issue#43 Issue#74) - Fixed the handling of the `reset` and `reset-assertions` commands of smtlibv2.6. Previsously reset was ignored, and reset-assertions was treated as reset (meaning that any set-logic were erased). These two commands should now be correctly implemented in the typing loop. PR#80 - Added a warning for multiple set-logics PR#82 - Added a hint to suggest a missing theory when a literal is unbound. PR#81 - Added proper abstractions for names and paths. Names are used instead of strings for parsed identifiers (Id.t), while Paths are used instead of strings for typed identifiers (Expr.id). This results in a speedup on some smtlib problems because indexed identifiers no longer need to be encoded and then split. - Added to Dolmen a custom implementation of Radix tries for a better indexation of strings. This results in signifcant speedup on large problem. - Added some convenience modules for testing and profiling (Timer and Stats) - The pipeline now delegates the task of printing backtraces for excpetions to the caller/finally argument of the run function - the `Dolmen_loop` library now has an added dependency on `pp_loc` (used for the source input printing) - updated version bounds on `cmdliner` and `pp_locs`