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A Python wrapper for the OpenSubdiv C++ Library far topology refiner.

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A Python wrapper (implemented using ctypes) for the OpenSubdiv C++ Library far topology refiner.


  • Added keyword arguments (verbose (-v) and level (-l <N>)) to ctypes_subdivider.cpp (these are handled by subdivider::settings).

  • ctypes_subdivider.cpp handles level 0 subdivision better now.

    • Within the refine_topology function, an assertion is made that the number of vertices per face of the refined mesh is 4, i.e. it consists entirely of quads.
    assert(fverts.size() == 4);

    This assertion is only strictly true if the mesh is actually subdivided (maxlevel > 0). Otherwise, it is possible to feed a mesh containing ngons, which if not subdivided (evaluated for maxlevel = 0), will fail the all quads assertion, crashing the code.

    It would seem reasonable to simply ignore the all-quads assertion, but the block that constructs the edges (for (int i = 0; i < nn_faces; i++) { ... }) for the refined topology relies on the assumption. Furthermore, ignoring the all-quads assertion would involve returning (to python) a set of faces where each could contain an arbitrary number of vertices, which is very difficult (to the extent that I could not figure out a solution). Conceivably, it would be possible to use the vertsPerFace data to reconstruct a flattened (1D) faceVerts list; but ultimately, any solution tends to involve reconstructing information that was passed into the refiner in the first place (as opposed to simply passing it through, which is easier said than done), which is not optimal.

    My solution to this problem was to create a method (subdivider::edges_only) that only constructs edges from the incoming mesh data, and can handle faces containing an arbitrary number of vertices. This method only runs if maxlevel <= 0.

    In terms of Sverchok/Blender, the intention here is to have the node generate valid topology when it is not muted and the subdivision level is 0. When the node is muted, the incoming mesh data should be passed directly through (with no edges created), but this can be implemented on the python side.

    Note that I would use the edges_only function for maxlevel > 0, but the refined face vertices (fverts) are extracted one-by-one (from reflastlevel), so this would be slightly tricky to implement, or at least require a for-loop each for extracting the refined faces and constructing the edges from them, where the current solution does both operations in the same loop. For these reasons, I have stuck with the current approach, even though it lacks elegance.

  • Testing is handled a little better now, with the test function integrated directly into the module now. The proper way is still unit tests and CI/CD, but I think this is a step in the right direction. Testing example in this readme have been updated accordingly.


Uploading to PyPi

I followed this guide. Pretty simple, at any rate:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*

Note that when updating, it looks like it is necessary to either increment the version number in, or delete the existing version on PyPi and reupload.


General requirements:

Building on Linux

  1. Install General Requirements.

  2. Install GLFW (Optional, but makes building OpenSubdiv smoother)

    sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglwf3-dev

    This should create/install the files libglfw3.a at /usr/local/lib/ and gflw3.h at /usr/local/include/GLFW/.

  3. Install doxygen and xorg-dev (possibly optional)

    sudo apt-get install doxygen xorg-dev
  4. Clone OpenSubdiv

    git clone
  5. Build and Install OpenSubdiv

    $ cd OpenSubdiv 
    $ mkdir build 
    $ cd build
    $ cmake -D NO_PTEX=1 -D NO_DOC=1 -D NO_OMP=1 -D NO_TBB=1 -D NO_CUDA=1 -D NO_OPENCL=1 -D NO_CLEW=1 -D GLFW_LOCATION="/usr/" ..
    $ cmake --build . --config Release --target install

    This should create an opensubdiv/ directory at /usr/local/include/

    └── opensubdiv/
        ├── far/  
        ├── hbr/   
        ├── osd/   
        ├── sdc/   
        ├── version.h
        └── vtr/

    And libosdCPU and libosdGPU library files at /usr/local/lib/

    ├── libosdCPU.a
    ├── ->
    ├── libosdGPU.a
    ├── ->
  6. Compile

    This does not work (does not compile the osd libraries statically? Throws the error OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when trying to import in e.g.

    g++ ctypes_subdivider.cpp -losdGPU -losdCPU -o -fPIC -shared

    This seems to work (compiles the static osd .a libraries into (compile syntax courtesy this SE answer)

    g++ ctypes_subdivider.cpp -L/usr/local/lib/ -l:libosdGPU.a -l:libosdCPU.a -o -fPIC -shared

    Note that -L/usr/local/lib/ is unnecessary, but included for reference purposes.

    Some additional convenience commands:

    Compile directly into pyOpenSubdiv/clib:

    g++ ctypes_subdivider.cpp -L/usr/local/lib/ -l:libosdGPU.a -l:libosdCPU.a -o package/pyOpenSubdiv/clib/ -fPIC -shared

    Compile to executable:

    g++ ctypes_subdivider.cpp -L/usr/local/lib/ -l:libosdGPU.a -l:libosdCPU.a -o ctypes_OpenSubdiv_executable
  7. Test:

    Testing pyOpenSubdiv on Linux now uses docker, which I installed following this guide.

    With docker installed, build the test image by running docker build -t ubuntu_docker . from within the dockers directory. Then, start the container by running from the root of this repo.

    $ ./ 

    The shell script automatically installs the pyOpenSubdiv package to the container, and on exit deletes miscellaneous directories created from installing and running the module, and the container (note that deleting the module directories requires sudo).

    Start IPython (run $ ipython at the container terminal) (note that using IPython is technically optional, and it is only my preference to use it), import the pyOpenSubdiv module, load pyOpenSubdiv.pysubdivision, and run pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide()

    In [2]: import pyOpenSubdiv
    In [3]: from pyOpenSubdiv import pysubdivision
    In [4]: pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide()

    pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide() should produce an output like the following (the Runtime tests will more than likely be different between instances and hardware)

    In [4]: pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide()
    Subdivision Tests
    cube @ 0
    suzanne @ 0
    triangles @ 0
    ngons @ 0
    ngons2 @ 0
    cube @ 1
    suzanne @ 1
    triangles @ 1
    ngons @ 1
    ngons2 @ 1
    cube @ 2
    suzanne @ 2
    triangles @ 2
    ngons @ 2
    ngons2 @ 2
    Verbose Test
    maxlevel 1
    New Vertices 26
    v -0.277778 -0.277778 0.277778
    v 0.277778 -0.277778 0.277778
    v -0.277778 0.277778 0.277778
    v 0.277778 0.277778 0.277778
    v -0.277778 0.277778 -0.277778
    v 0.277778 0.277778 -0.277778
    v -0.277778 -0.277778 -0.277778
    v 0.277778 -0.277778 -0.277778
    v 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000
    v 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000
    v 0.000000 0.000000 -0.500000
    v 0.000000 -0.500000 0.000000
    v 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
    v -0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
    v 0.000000 -0.375000 0.375000
    v 0.375000 0.000000 0.375000
    v 0.000000 0.375000 0.375000
    v -0.375000 0.000000 0.375000
    v 0.375000 0.375000 0.000000
    v 0.000000 0.375000 -0.375000
    v -0.375000 0.375000 0.000000
    v 0.375000 0.000000 -0.375000
    v 0.000000 -0.375000 -0.375000
    v -0.375000 0.000000 -0.375000
    v 0.375000 -0.375000 0.000000
    v -0.375000 -0.375000 0.000000
    e 0 14
    e 0 25
    e 1 15
    e 2 17
    e 3 16
    e 3 18
    e 4 20
    e 5 19
    e 5 21
    e 6 23
    e 7 22
    e 7 24
    e 8 17
    e 9 20
    e 10 23
    e 11 25
    e 12 15
    e 13 23
    e 14 8
    e 14 1
    e 14 11
    e 15 8
    e 15 3
    e 16 8
    e 16 2
    e 16 9
    e 17 0
    e 17 13
    e 18 9
    e 18 5
    e 18 12
    e 19 9
    e 19 4
    e 19 10
    e 20 2
    e 20 13
    e 21 10
    e 21 7
    e 21 12
    e 22 10
    e 22 6
    e 22 11
    e 23 4
    e 24 11
    e 24 1
    e 24 12
    e 25 6
    e 25 13
    f 1 15 9 18
    f 15 2 16 9
    f 9 16 4 17
    f 18 9 17 3
    f 3 17 10 21
    f 17 4 19 10
    f 10 19 6 20
    f 21 10 20 5
    f 5 20 11 24
    f 20 6 22 11
    f 11 22 8 23
    f 24 11 23 7
    f 7 23 12 26
    f 23 8 25 12
    f 12 25 2 15
    f 26 12 15 1
    f 2 25 13 16
    f 25 8 22 13
    f 13 22 6 19
    f 16 13 19 4
    f 7 26 14 24
    f 26 1 18 14
    f 14 18 3 21
    f 24 14 21 5
    Cube: 0.478s @ 0 x 10000 
    Cube: 1.941s @ 1 x 10000 
    Cube: 5.102s @ 2 x 10000 
    v [-0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [-0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [-0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [-0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
    v [0.0, 0.5, 0.0]
    e [0, 14]
    e [0, 25]
    e [1, 15]
    e [2, 17]
    e [3, 16]
    e [3, 18]
    e [4, 20]
    e [5, 19]
    e [5, 21]
    e [6, 23]
    f [0, 14, 8, 17]
    f [14, 1, 15, 8]
    f [8, 15, 3, 16]
    f [17, 8, 16, 2]
    f [2, 16, 9, 20]
    f [16, 3, 18, 9]
    f [9, 18, 5, 19]
    f [20, 9, 19, 4]
    f [4, 19, 10, 23]
    f [19, 5, 21, 10]
    static float g_verts[8][3] = { {-0.50f, -0.50f, 0.50f},
    {0.50f, -0.50f, 0.50f},
    {-0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f},
    {0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f},
    {-0.50f, 0.50f, -0.50f},
    {0.50f, 0.50f, -0.50f},
    {-0.50f, -0.50f, -0.50f},
    {0.50f, -0.50f, -0.50f} };
    static int g_nverts = 8, g_nfaces = 6;
    static int g_vertsperface[6] = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
    static int g_vertIndices[24] = {
    0, 1, 3, 2,
    2, 3, 5, 4,
    4, 5, 7, 6,
    6, 7, 1, 0,
    1, 7, 5, 3,
    6, 0, 2, 4 };

    The pyOpenSubdiv module may be uninstalled by running the command python -m pip uninstall pyOpenSubdiv.

Building on Windows (Visual Studio)

  1. Install General Requirements.

  2. Install GLFW (Optional, but makes building OpenSubdiv smoother)

  3. Clone OpenSubdiv

    git clone
  4. Build and Install OpenSubdiv
    From an administrator powershell (vary appropriately for Visual Studio version and GLFW path):

    $ cd OpenSubdiv 
    $ mkdir build 
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ^ -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -G "<Visual Studio Version>" ^ -D NO_PTEX=1 -D NO_DOC=1 ^ -D NO_OMP=1 -D NO_TBB=1 -D NO_CUDA=1 -D NO_OPENCL=1 -D NO_CLEW=1 ^ -D "GLFW_LOCATION=<path to GLFW>" ^ ..
    $ cmake --build . --config Release --target install

    For example

    # Example build command 
    $ cmake ^ -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ^ -D NO_PTEX=1 -D NO_DOC=1 ^ -D NO_OMP=1 -D NO_TBB=1 -D NO_CUDA=1 -D NO_OPENCL=1 -D NO_CLEW=1 ^ -D "GLFW_LOCATION=C:/Users/<username>/Desktop/cpp/glfw-3.3.7.bin.WIN64/glfw-3.3.7.bin.WIN64" ^ ..

    A successful build and install should create an opensubdiv\ directory at C:\Program Files\OpenSubdiv\include\ with the following structure


    And libosdCPU.lib and libosdGPU.lib library files at C:\Program Files\OpenSubdiv\lib\

  5. Install Visual Studio Community, include Desktop Development with C++.

  6. Create Visual Studio C++ Project

    • Create a new, blank, C++ project in Visual Studio.
    • Configure to target Release and x64.
    • Add ctypes_subdivider.cpp to the Source Files by right-clicking Source Files in the Solution Explorer, selecting Add->Existing Item..., and navigating to ctypes_subdivider.cpp in the browser window.
    • Note: It is also possible to make a C++ project in this directory (the repository) with a Source.cpp file containing just the line
      #include "../ctypes_subdivider.cpp"
      The following setup steps remain the same.
  7. Configure solution properties (for All builds, All platforms)

    1. Set the solution Configuration Type to Dynamic Library (.dll)

      Right-click Solution -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Configuration Type -> Dynamic Library (.dll)
    2. Add OpenSubdiv\include to Additional Include Directories

      Right-click Solution -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories -> C:\Program Files\OpenSubdiv\include
    3. Add Opensubdiv\libs to Additional Library Directories

      Right-click Solution -> Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories -> C:\Program Files\OpenSubdiv\lib
    4. Add OpenSubdiv library binaries to linker's Additional Dependencies

      Right-click Solution -> Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies -> osdCPU.lib;oscGPU.lib
  8. Build the solution (Build -> Build Solution), which should create a ctypes_OpenSubdiv.dll file at x64\Release\.

  9. Test:

    Testing on Windows does not use a docker container, even though maybe it should, but instead involves directly installing the module from the file in the package directory. A valid python installation needs to be present on your machine for this test to work.

    Navigate to <this repo>/package, and install pyOpenSubdiv by running the command

    python -m pip install . 

    Then import pyOpenSubdiv, load pyOpenSubdiv.pysubdivision, and run pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide() (again, I am using IPython here, which is optional)

    In [1]: import pyOpenSubdiv
    In [2]: from pyOpenSubdiv import pysubdivision
    In [3]: pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide()

    pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide() should produce an output like

    In [3]: pysubdivision.test_pysubdivide()
    Subdivision Tests
    cube @ 0
    suzanne @ 0
    triangles @ 0
    ngons @ 0
    ngons2 @ 0
    cube @ 1
    suzanne @ 1
    triangles @ 1
    ngons @ 1
    ngons2 @ 1
    cube @ 2
    suzanne @ 2
    triangles @ 2
    ngons @ 2
    ngons2 @ 2
    Verbose Test
    maxlevel 1
    New Vertices 26
    v -0.277778 -0.277778 0.277778
    v 0.277778 -0.277778 0.277778
    v -0.277778 0.277778 0.277778
    v 0.277778 0.277778 0.277778
    v -0.277778 0.277778 -0.277778
    v 0.277778 0.277778 -0.277778
    v -0.277778 -0.277778 -0.277778
    v 0.277778 -0.277778 -0.277778
    v 0.000000 0.000000 0.500000
    v 0.000000 0.500000 0.000000
    v 0.000000 0.000000 -0.500000
    v 0.000000 -0.500000 0.000000
    v 0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
    v -0.500000 0.000000 0.000000
    v 0.000000 -0.375000 0.375000
    v 0.375000 0.000000 0.375000
    v 0.000000 0.375000 0.375000
    v -0.375000 0.000000 0.375000
    v 0.375000 0.375000 0.000000
    v 0.000000 0.375000 -0.375000
    v -0.375000 0.375000 0.000000
    v 0.375000 0.000000 -0.375000
    v 0.000000 -0.375000 -0.375000
    v -0.375000 0.000000 -0.375000
    v 0.375000 -0.375000 0.000000
    v -0.375000 -0.375000 0.000000
    e 0 14
    e 0 25
    e 1 15
    e 2 17
    e 3 16
    e 3 18
    e 4 20
    e 5 19
    e 5 21
    e 6 23
    e 7 22
    e 7 24
    e 8 17
    e 9 20
    e 10 23
    e 11 25
    e 12 15
    e 13 23
    e 14 8
    e 14 1
    e 14 11
    e 15 8
    e 15 3
    e 16 8
    e 16 2
    e 16 9
    e 17 0
    e 17 13
    e 18 9
    e 18 5
    e 18 12
    e 19 9
    e 19 4
    e 19 10
    e 20 2
    e 20 13
    e 21 10
    e 21 7
    e 21 12
    e 22 10
    e 22 6
    e 22 11
    e 23 4
    e 24 11
    e 24 1
    e 24 12
    e 25 6
    e 25 13
    f 1 15 9 18
    f 15 2 16 9
    f 9 16 4 17
    f 18 9 17 3
    f 3 17 10 21
    f 17 4 19 10
    f 10 19 6 20
    f 21 10 20 5
    f 5 20 11 24
    f 20 6 22 11
    f 11 22 8 23
    f 24 11 23 7
    f 7 23 12 26
    f 23 8 25 12
    f 12 25 2 15
    f 26 12 15 1
    f 2 25 13 16
    f 25 8 22 13
    f 13 22 6 19
    f 16 13 19 4
    f 7 26 14 24
    f 26 1 18 14
    f 14 18 3 21
    f 24 14 21 5
    Cube: 0.104s @ 0 x 10000
    Cube: 0.272s @ 1 x 10000
    Cube: 0.620s @ 2 x 10000
    v [-0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [-0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544]
    v [-0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, 0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [-0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544, -0.2777777910232544]
    v [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
    v [0.0, 0.5, 0.0]
    e [0, 14]
    e [0, 25]
    e [1, 15]
    e [2, 17]
    e [3, 16]
    e [3, 18]
    e [4, 20]
    e [5, 19]
    e [5, 21]
    e [6, 23]
    f [0, 14, 8, 17]
    f [14, 1, 15, 8]
    f [8, 15, 3, 16]
    f [17, 8, 16, 2]
    f [2, 16, 9, 20]
    f [16, 3, 18, 9]
    f [9, 18, 5, 19]
    f [20, 9, 19, 4]
    f [4, 19, 10, 23]
    f [19, 5, 21, 10]
    static float g_verts[8][3] = { {-0.50f, -0.50f, 0.50f},
    {0.50f, -0.50f, 0.50f},
    {-0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f},
    {0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f},
    {-0.50f, 0.50f, -0.50f},
    {0.50f, 0.50f, -0.50f},
    {-0.50f, -0.50f, -0.50f},
    {0.50f, -0.50f, -0.50f} };
    static int g_nverts = 8, g_nfaces = 6;
    static int g_vertsperface[6] = {4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4};
    static int g_vertIndices[24] = {
    0, 1, 3, 2,
    2, 3, 5, 4,
    4, 5, 7, 6,
    6, 7, 1, 0,
    1, 7, 5, 3,
    6, 0, 2, 4 };

Sverchok Integration

git fetch upstream 
git checkout master 
git rebase upstream/master 
git checkout <branch> (e.g. sverchok_OpenSubdiv_2)
git merge <branch to merge> (e.g. master)
git push
  • Make sure that pyOpenSubdiv is not installed for Blender's python

    • Blender's python is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blender\3.4\python\bin> (or similar)
    • Installed packages are at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blender\3.4\python\lib\site-packages
    • pyOpenSubdiv may be uninstalled by running e.g. ./python.exe -m pip uninstall pyOpenSubdiv from within the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blender\3.4\python\bin> (or similar) folder.
  • Rename: Catmull-Clark Subdivision

  • Change bl_idname back to "SvOpenSubdivisionNode"

  • nodes/modifier_change/

    • Changing the name to Catmull-Clark Subdivision, but I'm leaving the python script as
    • The Catmull-Clark Subdivision node implementation.
    • Imports pyOpenSubdiv.
    • SvCatmullClarkSubdivisionNode -> SvOpenSubdivisionNode
  • (No Change)

    • Add pyOpenSubdiv as Sverchok optional dependency.
      pyOpenSubdiv_d = sv_dependencies["pyOpenSubdiv"] = SvDependency("pyOpenSubdiv","")
      pyOpenSubdiv_d.pip_installable = True
          import pyOpenSubdiv
          pyOpenSubdiv_d.message = "pyOpenSubdiv package is available"
          pyOpenSubdiv_d.module = pyOpenSubdiv
      except ImportError:
          pyOpenSubdiv_d.message = "sv: pyOpenSubdiv package is not available, the Catmull-Clark Subdivision node will not be available"
          pyOpenSubdiv = None 
  • (No Change)

    • Draw the pyOpenSubdiv dependency installation box in the Sverchok Preferences "Extra Nodes" tab.
      draw_message(box, "scipy")
      draw_message(box, "geomdl")
      draw_message(box, "skimage")
      draw_message(box, "mcubes")
      draw_message(box, "circlify")
      draw_message(box, "cython")
      draw_message(box, "numba")
      draw_message(box, "pyOpenSubdiv") # Add option to install pyOpenSubdiv

    • Add the Catmull-Clark Subdivision node to the Sverchok node menu.
      ## Modifier Make
          SvCatmullClarkSubdivisionNode -> SvOpenSubdivisionNode
  • docs/nodes/modifier_change/modifier_change_index.rst

    • Added opensubdivision node.
  • docs/nodes/modifier_change/opensubdivision.rst

    • Catmull-Clark Subdivision ( node documentation.
    • Install successfully (old node)
    • Test Node (old node)
    • New tests, with renamed ("Catmull-Clark Subdivision") node, demonstrating better case handling.


Building on OS X

  • Implement

Error Handling and Crash Prevention

  • Subdivision <= 0 should be handled better now.
  • Identify and resolve new bugs.
  • Handle case where user accidentally inputs a Face list that refers to vertices that do not exist in the vertices list (e.g. Faces refer to vert 7, where there are only 5 vertices).

CI/CD Build and Deploy pipeline

  • Implement

Unit Testing

  • Implement


A Python wrapper for the OpenSubdiv C++ Library far topology refiner.






No releases published


No packages published