Remote control of OBS Studio made easy.
Binaries for Windows and Linux are available in the Releases section.
A web client and frontend made by t2t2 (compatible with tablets and other touch interfaces) is available here :
It is highly recommended to protect obs-websocket with a password against unauthorized control. To do this, open the "Websocket server settings" dialog under OBS' "Tools" menu. In the settings dialogs, you can enable or disable authentication and set a password for it.
- Remote control OBS from a phone or tablet on the same local network
- Change your stream overlay/graphics based on the current scene (like the AGDQ overlay does)
- Automate scene switching with a third-party program (e.g. : auto-pilot, foot pedal, ...)
The server is a typical Websockets server running by default on port 4444 (the port number can be changed in the Settings dialog). The protocol understood by the server is documented in
Here's a list of available language APIs for obs-websocket :
- Javascript (browser & nodejs) : obs-websocket-js by haganbmj
I'd like to know what you're building with or for obs-websocket. If you do something in this fashion, feel free to drop me an email at contact at slepin dot fr
You'll need QT 5.7.0 with QtWebSockets, CMake, and a working development environment for OBS Studio installed on your computer.
In cmake-gui, you'll have to set the following variables :
- QTDIR (path) : location of the Qt environment suited for your compiler and architecture
- LIBOBS_INCLUDE_DIR (path) : location of the libobs subfolder in the source code of OBS Studio
- LIBOBS_LIB (filepath) : location of the obs.lib file
- OBS_FRONTEND_LIB (filepath) : location of the obs-frontend-api.lib file
On Debian/Ubuntu :
sudo apt-get install libqt5websockets5-dev
git clone --recursive
cd obs-websocket
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DLIBOBS_INCLUDE_DIR="<path to the libobs sub-folder in obs-studio's source code>" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
make -j4
sudo make install
To do