FVCOM i-state configuration model: offline Lagrangian / IBM model for FVCOM
Publications using fiscm
Liu, C., Cowles, G. W., Churchill, J. H., and Stokesbury, K.D.E., (2015) Connectivity of the bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Fisheries Oceanography, 24, 364– 382.
DeCelles, G., Cowles, G., Liu, C., and Cadrin, S.X, (2015). Modeled transport of winter flounder larvae spawned in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine. Fisheries Oceanography, 24, 430–444.
Boucher, J.M., Chen, C., Sun, Y., and Beardsley, R.C. (2013) Effects of interannual en- vironmental variability on the transport-retention dynamics in haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus larvae on Georges Bank. Marine Ecology Progress Series 487: 201–215.
Ji, R., Ashjian, C.J., Campbell, R.G., Chen, C., Gao, G., Davis, C.S., Cowles, G.W., and Beardsley, R.C. (2011) Life history and biogeography of calanus copepods in the Arctic Ocean: An individual-based modeling study. Progress In Oceanography 96(1): 40–56.