Processed GIS dataset of City Blocks and Backyards of the Municipality of Athens, Greece
Author : Georgios Adamopoulos
Original Raw Data: NTUA School of Architecture, Laboratory of Geographical Information Systems in Urban and Regional Planning
This dataset was originally produced as part of the NTUA School of Architecture Thesis Project "KEMP: A Digital Platform for Participatory Design" (Adamopoulos, G., Pappas, P. and Aronidis, E. (2016). KEMP: A Digital Platform for Participatory Design. Master Thesis. National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture.) and proved to be a valuable tool for the analysis, filtering and classification of Athens' city blocks.
We open this dataset to any researcher interested in analysing the city of Athens, welcoming additions, corrections and forks.
The numerical data contained in this dataset are original and were computed by the author within the Grasshopper3D plug-in of the Rhinoceros package. They were exported in .shp format via a custom python script, utilizing the pyshp library.
Part of the geometric data ("shapes" or "polygons") contained in this dataset are a derivative of the original data obtained thrpugh the standard procedure from the Laboratory of Geographical Information Systems in Urban and Regional Planning, in the NTUA School of Architecture. These data unfortunately correspond to the 2001 census. A significant amount of geometric computation and clean-up has been performed on the raw data in order to extract the shapes of the CityBlock Backyards, which were originally produced by the author.
The Geographic Projection System is GGRS87/Greek Grid (EPSG:2100) . The corresponding .prj files are included.
Due to limitations of the .shp file format, some column names were unfortunately abbreviated. Let the following table clarify the meaning of each column name.
Property | Meaning |
Area | Total Area of the City Block |
AtriumCount | Number of joined backyards or "Akaliptoi" |
AtriumToBui | The ratio of the area covered by Backyards to the area covered by Buildings |
AtriumToTot | The ratio of the area covered by Backyards to the total CityBlock area |
BlockID | The ID of the CityBlock |
BuildingCou | The number of buildings contained in the City Block |
BuildingDen | The number of buildings per 1000 square meters (property density) contained in the City Block |
BuiltToTotal | The ratio of the area covered by Buildings to the total CityBlock area |
Deviation45 | The angle between the CityBlock's longitudinal axis and the North vector, remapped to a 0-45 degree range |
Deviation90 | The angle between the CityBlock's longitudinal axis and the North vector, remapped to a 0-90 degree range |
Deviation18 | The angle between the CityBlock's longitudinal axis and the North vector, remapped to a 0-180 degree range |
Ratio | The ratio of the longest side of the CityBlock to its shortest side. |
Perimeter | The Perimeter of the City Block |
TotalBuiltA | Total Area covered by Buildings |
TotalAtrium | Total Area covered by Backyards |