ChatAppClone is a simple real-time chat platform built with .NET Core 8.0, SignalR and Azure.
To use the application you may register with valid email.
For more information read the short documentation below.
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The following features are available.
Custom Authentication Flow (valid email address for confirmation is required)
- Register (with required email validation)
- Login
- Remember me
- Forgot Password
- Reset Password
User Profile Settings
- Change you user data (email, username, profile picture)
- Change your password
- Manage your notifications
- Download your personal data
- Delete your account
- Explore and filter users
- Select users with whom you would like to chat
- Start a direct chat with users
Real-time Notifications
- Receive real-time notifications when new chat is created
- Receive real-time notifications when a chat with your is deleted
Real-time Chat
- Communicate real-time with your friends
- Send messages real-time
- Receive new massanges
- Delete chats you no longer want
- Real-time chats updates