I'm graduated in physics and aeronautical engineering. I live in São Carlos, Brazil and currently work as a software developer.
Contributions and comments on my projects are highly appreciated!
- DevTime: a web app to track development time (NextJS, Planetscale).
- DevTime - User card: a microservice to generate user cards based on DevTime usage.
- TempMail: an app to generate a temporary email address using DropMail API (React, TailwindCSS, GraphQL, Apollo Client).
- Blinker - Frontend: a link saver and blog scraper app (React, TailwindCSS).
- Blinker - Backend: an API to store private links and save blog posts automatically (TypeScript, express-session, jest, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Redis).
- TailPoll - Frontend: a poll app (React, TailwindCSS, RadixUI).
- TailPoll - Backend: a poll backend service (NestJS).
- Dotos! - Frontend: a todo frontend made with React, implementing JWT access and refresh tokens stored via http-only cookies, pagination, render optimization with use-context-selector (React, Styled-components, Axios).
- Dotos! - Backend: a todo app which implements unit and integration tests, email sending and refresh token functionalities following SOLID design principles (NodeJS, Express, AWS).
- MyStore: a NextJS app which implements payment and data fetching from Stripe API. Furthermore, it provides SSR and SSG for faster navigation. (NextJS)
- RPGix: made with MERN stack, a web app to create role playing games in classroom. This was my first "real" project and personally love it ❤️ (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS)
- user-template: a basic user registration/login API using graphql/express-session.
- GitBlog: a React implementation of a blog using GitHub issues as content provider.
- Game of life: an implementation of Conway's game of life using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This application was built using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern.