A pure python implementation of ML-DSA (FIPS 204) and CRYSTALS-Dilithium
superit23 / samson
Forked from wildcardcorp/samsonCryptanalysis and attack library
Coppersmith method (solving polynomial equation over composite modulus on small bounds)
A rust and SageMath implementation of (2,2)-isogenies in the theta model
Code accompanying the paper "ApresSQI: Extra Fast Verification for SQIsign Using Extension-Field Signing".
A collection of different dockers that I use
Yet another toy implementation of the quadratic sieve factorization algorithm
Computation of isogenies using Weber modular polynomials
Python implementations of cryptographic attacks and utilities.
Implementation of the signature scheme SQISign accompanying the paper "New algorithms for the Deuring correspondence - Towards practical and secure SQISign signatures" (EUROCRYPT'23).
A toolkit for cryptanalysis using lattices.
A python script for finding prime factors of large integers, utilizing Lenstra's elliptic curve factorization algorithm
Plugin for Sublime for inserting unicode math symbols and emoji
Companion code for paper
(Still exploring) My cryptography journey: A collection of notebooks covering different algorithms and concepts from cryptography
A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.