We will keep updating the paper list about machine learning + causal theory. We also internally discuss related papers between NExT++ (NUS) and LDS (USTC) by week.
Some Conferences' accepted paper lists (including AI, ML, Robotic)
MLNLP: Notes for MIT-Linear-Algebra
Repo for CrossTReS: Cross-city Transfer Learning for Traffic Prediction via Source Region Selection
Code accompanying our NeurIPS 2021 traffic4cast challenge
Medical NLP Competition, dataset, large models, paper
Transfer learning / domain adaptation / domain generalization / multi-task learning etc. Papers, codes, datasets, applications, tutorials.-迁移学习
PyTorch Geometric Temporal: Spatiotemporal Signal Processing with Neural Machine Learning Models (CIKM 2021)
A comprehensive list of Awesome Contrastive Learning Papers&Codes.Research include, but are not limited to: CV, NLP, Audio, Video, Multimodal, Graph, Language, etc.
A list of contrastive Learning papers
A curated list for awesome graph representation learning resources.
This website is to host a series of tutorials on Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing.
深度学习入门教程, 优秀文章, Deep Learning Tutorial
Survey of Surveys for Natural Language Processing (SOS4NLP)
Papers about developing deep Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
Some TrafficFlowForecasting Solutions(交通流量预测解决方案)
955 不加班的公司名单 - 工作 955,work–life balance (工作与生活的平衡)
Collect awesome best papers from top AI conferences.
Ai Learning Roadmap based on lots of open course sources and book materials. 我总结的 AI 学习路径。
📜 Self-Supervised Learning from Images: Up-to-date reading list.
A computer vision closed-loop learning platform where code can be run interactively online. 学习闭环《计算机视觉实战演练:算法与应用》中文电子书、源码、读者交流社区(持续更新中 ...) 📘 在线电子书…