A Docker image for SqueezeLite
- Support for upsampling
- Presets for improved convenience.
- Multiplatform support thanks to Der-Henning
- Initial support for bluetooth, see this discussion
Please see the Goal.
Please note that support goal is limited to cover running costs for subscriptions to music services.
Documentation available here, thanks to barrelltitor.
See this discussion for more details.
Since 2024-01-19 (see issue #268) I am including builds for Squeezelite R2, only in alsa mode.
This patched version allows server-side transcoding, also to DSD format, which some users might like to use.
These images will inclue r2-latest-alsa
and r2-stable-alsa
in their tags.
Like to these type of images: here.
Since 2024-01-22 we have support for the -W
command line argument on sourceforge alsa binaries using new variable SQUEEZELITE_READ_FORMATS_FROM_HEADER
, while AFAIK this should be the default on the r2
Since 2023-12-30 (see issue #254) I am including separate builds for alsa and pulseaudio only. The alsa sourceforge version results in a particularily small image. Maybe the pulse version can be reduced in size, but I still need to perform a few tests in order to verify that I can remove some packages.
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64/v8
- linux/arm/v7
- linux/arm/v5
First and foremost, the reference to the awesome project:
Man page of SqueezeLite
SqueezeLite binaries on SourceForge
This page will also be useful when tuning the parameters. In case you want to play with upsampling, this other page might be very helpful:
Archimago - MUSINGS: More fun with digital filters!
Source: GitHub
Images: DockerHub
I prepared this Dockerfile Because I wanted to be able to install squeezelite easily on any machine (provided the architecture is amd64 or arm). Also I wanted to be able to configure and govern the parameters easily using environment variables.
Configuring the container should be easy through a webapp like Portainer.
See here for the prerequisites.
Here is the repository on DockerHub.
Getting the image from DockerHub is as simple as typing:
docker pull giof71/squeezelite
See Docker Hub Tags for more information about docker hub tags.
You can start squeezelite by typing:
docker run -d --rm --network host --device /dev/snd giof71/squeezelite
Note that we need to allow the container to access the audio devices through /dev/snd.
We also need to use the host network mode so the squeezelite instance can be discovered on your network.
The host network mode is generally not necessary if you specify your server (and port) using the environment variable SQUEEZELITE_SERVER_PORT
The following tables reports all the currently supported environment variables.
Variable | SqueezeLite corresponding option | Notes |
SQUEEZELITE_MODE | Set to ALSA for alsa mode, or to PULSE for PulseAudio mode, defaults to ALSA |
PUID | User ID which will be used to run squeezelite in user mode, defaults to 1000 |
PGID | Group ID which will be used to run squeezelite in user mode, defaults to 1000 |
AUDIO_GID | This group id is mandatory with alsa output when running in user mode. It must be set to the group id associated to the audio group. See more here. |
PRESET | You can now choose to set variables using predefined presets. Presets can currently tune the values of SQUEEZELITE_AUDIO_DEVICE , SQUEEZELITE_RATES , SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING , SQUEEZELITE_CODECS and SQUEEZELITE_EXCLUDE_CODECS for you. See the Available presets table for reference. Presets can be combined (the separator must be a comma , ), but keep in mind that the first preset setting a variable has the priority: once set by a preset, a variable cannot be overwritten by subsequent presets. |
SQUEEZELITE_AUDIO_DEVICE | -o | The audio device. Common examples for alsa mode: hw:CARD=x20,DEV=0 or hw:CARD=DAC,DEV=0 for usb dac based on XMOS. If left empty, the default device is used. |
SQUEEZELITE_MIXER_DEVICE | -O | Specify mixer device, defaults to output device (SQUEEZELITE_AUDIO_DEVICE ) |
SQUEEZELITE_PARAMS | -a | Please refer to the squeezelite's man page for -a . |
SQUEEZELITE_CODECS | -c | Please refer to the squeezelite's man page for -c . |
SQUEEZELITE_EXCLUDE_CODECS | -e | Please refer to the squeezelite's man page for -e . |
SQUEEZELITE_PRIORITY | -p | Please refer to the squeezelite's man page for -p . |
SQUEEZELITE_DELAY | -D | Set it to maybe something like 500,dop if your DAC supports DoP. Defaults to 500 |
SQUEEZELITE_NAME | -n | Name of the SqueezeLite player. |
SQUEEZELITE_MODEL_NAME | -M | Name of the SqueezeLite model name. |
SQUEEZELITE_MAC_ADDRESS | -m | Mac Address of the SqueezeLite player. The format must be colon-delimited hexadecimal, for example: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56 . See note below. |
DISABLE_MAC_ADDRESS_GENERATION | Disables automatic mac address generation and persistency | |
SQUEEZELITE_TIMEOUT | -C | Device timeout in seconds, defaults to 2 |
SQUEEZELITE_SERVER_PORT | -s | Server and port of the server, for example: squeezebox-server.local:3483 or . Do not specify the variable if you want to use the auto discovery feature. If you don't specify this variable, you will probably need to use host network mode. See the examples for some hints. The port can be omitted if not different from the default 3483 . So other possible valid values are squeezebox-server.local or . |
SQUEEZELITE_RATES | -r | From squeezelite's man page for -r : Specify sample rates supported by the output device; this is required if the output device is switched off when squeezelite is started. The format is either a single maximum sample rate, a range of sample rates in the format <min>-<max> , or a comma-separated list of available rates. Delay is an optional time to wait when switching sample rates between tracks, in milliseconds. Switch back to the author of this repository: it is recommended to specify sample rates that are effectively supported by your audio device. |
SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING | -u, -R | From squeezelite's man page for -u , same as -R : Enable upsampling of played audio. The argument is optional; see RESAMPLING for more information. The options -u and -R are synonymous. |
SQUEEZELITE_BUFFER_SIZE | -b | From squeezelite's man page for -b : Specify internal stream and output buffer sizes in kilobytes. Default is 2048:3446. |
DISPLAY_PRESETS | Set to Y if you want to see the presets on the container output |
SQUEEZELITE_VOLUME_CONTROL | -V | From squeezelite's man page for -V : Use the given ALSA control for volume adjustment during playback. This prevents the use of software volume control within squeezelite. This option is mutually exclusive with the -U option. If neither -U nor -V options are provided, no ALSA controls are adjusted while running squeezelite and software volume control is used instead. Only applicable when using ALSA output. |
SQUEEZELITE_UNMUTE | -U | From squeezelite's man page for -U : Unmute the given ALSA control at daemon startup and set it to full volume. Use software volume adjustment for playback. This option is mutually exclusive with the -V option. Only applicable when using ALSA output. |
SQUEEZELITE_LINEAR_VOLUME | -X | Set to Y to enable. From squeezelite's man page for -X : Use linear volume adjustments instead of in terms of dB (only for hardware volume control). |
SQUEEZELITE_VISUALIZER | -v | Set to Y to enable. Unfortunately this feature does not really work from inside docker (yet?). From squeezelite's man page for -v : Enable visualiser support. This creates a shared memory segment that contains some of the audio being played, so that an external visualiser can read and process this to create visualisations. |
SQUEEZELITE_READ_FORMATS_FROM_HEADER | -W | Set to Y to read wave and aiff format from header, ignoring server parameters |
SQUEEZELITE_POWER_SCRIPT | -S | Absolute path to script to launch on power commands from LMS. This cannot be used in combination with the SQUEEZELITE_RPI_GPIO variable |
SQUEEZELITE_RPI_GPIO | -G | Specify the BCM GPIO# to use for Amp Power Relay and if the output should be Active High or Low. This cannot be used in combination with SQUEEZELITE_POWER_SCRIPT |
SELECT_CUSTOM_BINARY_ALSA | Use for selection of a custom binary for ALSA mode | |
SELECT_CUSTOM_BINARY_PULSE | Use for selection of a custom binary for PULSE mode | |
SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_ALL | -d | Support for log level on category all |
SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_SLIMPROTO | -d | Support for log level on category slimproto |
SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_STREAM | -d | Support for log level on category stream |
SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_DECODE | -d | Support for log level on category decode |
SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_OUTPUT | -d | Support for log level on category output |
SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_IR | -d | Support for log level on category ir |
CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX | Prefix for files in volume /config |
INSTALL_BLUETOOTH_LIBRARIES | Install bluetooth libraries if set to yes |
STARTUP_DELAY_SEC | Delay before starting the application, defaults to 0 |
It is possible to add and additional preset configuration file using the volume /app/assets/additional-presets.conf
Possible values for variables SQUEEZELITE_LOG_CATEGORY_*
are info
, debug
or sdebug
If you don't provide a value to SQUEEZELITE_MAC_ADDRESS
, a random mac address will be generated and stored (if possible) under /config/mac-address.txt
, so it will be reloaded on next restart. The file name can be prepended by the optional CONFIG_FILE_PREFIX
Use a persistent volume in order to preserve the functionality in the event of container recreation (such as when you update to a newer image).
This feature can be disabled by setting DISABLE_MAC_ADDRESS_GENERATION
to yes
Volume | Description |
/app/assets/additional-presets.conf | Additional preset file |
/app/assets/binaries | Custom binaries should be placed here |
/config | Container configuration will be stored here |
A preset file is a text file with a pair key=value
on each line.
You can specify .device
, .upsampling
, .rates
, .codecs
, .exclude-codecs
for each preset.
Just check /app/assets/builtin-presets.conf
to understand how to create the other presets you might want to add.
Blank lines are allowed, as well as commented lines.
For example, the following file defines a preset named my-usb-dac
for a specific dac:
# my own usb dac
See a docker-compose example using an additional preset file. The example assumes that the additional preset file is ./config/additional.conf
The additional preset file is used in combination with other presets for upsampling using the goldilocks settings: archimago-goldilocks
and rates_up_to_384k
version: "3"
image: giof71/squeezelite
container_name: squeezelite-my.usb-dac
- /dev/snd:/dev/snd
- PRESET=my-usb-dac,archimago-goldilocks,rates_up_to_384k
- ./config/additional.conf:/app/assets/additional-presets.conf
restart: unless-stopped
See the Available presets table for reference.
In case you want to apply the Archimago's Goldilocks suggestion, the variables should be set as in the following table. Refer to the line which resembles the capabilities of your audio device.
Variable | Audio Device Capabilities | Suggested value |
SQUEEZELITE_RATES | All sampling rates up to 384kHz | 44100-384000 |
SQUEEZELITE_RATES | All sampling rates up to 192kHz | 44100-192000 |
SQUEEZELITE_RATES | All sampling rates up to 96kHz | 44100-96000 |
SQUEEZELITE_RATES | Typical USB Class 1 (88.2kHz is sometimes not supported, so we upsample to 96k) | 96000 |
SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING | Anything higher than 44.1kHz | v::4:28:95:105:45 |
displayed here are provided just as an example. You still should verify the capabilities of your particular audio device.
Preset name | Availability date | Set Properties | Comment |
topping-d10-balanced | 2023-09-23 | Device | Sets device for Topping D10 Balanced |
topping-d10s | 2023-09-23 | Device | Sets device for Topping D10s |
gustard-12 | 2022-09-28 | Device | Sets device for Gustard U12 DDC |
yulong-d200 | 2022-09-27 | Device | Sets device for Yulong D200 (updated 2023-09-23) |
aune-s6 | 2022-09-27 | Device | Sets device for Aune S6 |
aune-x1s | 2022-09-27 | Device | Sets device for Aune X1S |
peachtree-dacit | 2022-09-27 | Device | Sets device for Peachtree DAC-iT |
gustard-x16 | 2022-06-10 | Device | Sets device for Gustard X16 |
topping-dx5 | 2022-06-10 | Device | Sets device for Topping DX5 |
pi-headphones | 2022-02-19 | Device | Sets device for Raspberry Pi Headphone out |
dac | 2022-02-02 | Device | Sets device for typical xmos dac named "DAC" |
x20 | 2022-02-02 | Device | Sets device for typical xmos dac named "x20" |
topping-d10 | 2022-02-02 | Device | Sets device for Topping D10 |
gustard-x12 | 2022-02-02 | Device | Sets device for Gustard X12 |
hifiberry-dac-plus | 2022-02-02 | Device | Sets device for the HifiBerry Dac+ |
ifi-zen-dac | 2022-02-16 | Device | Sets device for the Ifi Zen Dac |
fiio-e18 | 2022-02-16 | Device | Sets device for Fiio E18 |
goldilocks | 2022-01-19 | Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, rates must be set with another preset or explicitly using the variable SQUEEZELITE_RATES . Corresponds to v::4:28:95:105:45 |
extremus | 2022-01-19 | Upsampling | Setup extremus upsampling for usb dac, rates must be set with another preset or explicitly using the variable SQUEEZELITE_RATES . Corresponds to v::3.05:28:99.7:100:45 |
archimago-goldilocks | 2022-02-04 | Upsampling | Alias for goldilocks , name feels more appropriate |
archimago-extremus | 2022-02-04 | Upsampling | Alias for extremus , name feels more appropriate |
rates_up_to_96k | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 44100-96000 |
rates_up_to_192k | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 44100-192000 |
rates_up_to_384k | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 44100-384000 |
rates_up_to_768k | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 44100-768000 |
rates_2x_only | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 88200,96000 |
rates_4x_only | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 176400,192000 |
rates_8x_only | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 352800,384000 |
rates_16x_only | 2022-02-02 | Rates | Set rates to 705600,768000 |
goldilocks_up_to_96k | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, up to 96kHz |
goldilocks_up_to_192k | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, up to 192kHz |
goldilocks_up_to_384k | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, up to 384kHz |
goldilocks_up_to_768k | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, up to 768kHz |
goldilocks_2x_only | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, along with 2x rates only |
goldilocks_4x_only | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, along with 4x rates only |
goldilocks_8x_only | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, along with 8x rates only |
goldilocks_16x_only | 2022-01-19 | Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, along with 16x rates only |
gustard-x12-goldilocks | 2022-01-19 | Device, Rates, Upsampling | Setup goldilocks upsampling for usb dac, up to 384kHz, and also sets output device correctly for a Gustard X12 DAC |
no-dsd | 2022-02-14 | Excluded Codecs | Exclude dsd codec |
You can specify PulseAudio mode by setting the environment variable SQUEEZELITE_MODE
For that configuration to work properly, /run/user/1000/pulse
must be mapped correctly. It is not mandatory to use 1000
: if you set PUID
to 1002
for instance, the right part of the volume mount should be /run/user/1002/pulse
The example below assumes that your current user id is 1000
. You might want to set the PUID
and PGID
variables according to your user and groupid. Use the id
command to see the uid for the currently logged in user.
Mapping the device /dev/snd
is not needed in PulseAudio mode.
Most of the enviroment variables are available in PulseAudio mode, unless irrelevant or incompatible.
version: "3"
image: giof71/squeezelite
container_name: sq-pulse
# change only on the left side according to your uid
- /run/user/1000/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse
- PUID=1000 #optional, default is 1000
- PGID=1000 #optional, default is 1000
- SQUEEZELITE_NAME=sq-pulse #optional
I would avoid to add a restart strategy to the compose file with PulseAudio. On my desktop setup, doing so led to all sort of issues on computer startup/reboot. Instead, I would use a user-level systemd service. An example is container in the pulse
directory of this repository.
Remember to use host networking if you need the player to be automatically discovered. Also, when using a docker run command and not using host mode, I'd suggest to create a dedicated network. This should be covered by the service in the pulse
The buster
build without sourceforge binaries has been since dropped, because the squeezelite-pulseaudio package is not available.
I am using the same host and I am connecting two dacs. I (generally) do not play music on multiple DACs at the same time, but I like to have multiple configurations a click away from the Logitech Media Server web interface.
If you are interested, have a look at the following sample docker-compose.yaml
Scenario | Link to config file |
One DAC, multiple configurations | single-dac-multi-config-docker-compose.yaml |
Two DACs, multiple configurations | dual-dac-multi-config-docker-compose.yaml |
Remember to always specify the SQUEEZELITE_SERVER_PORT for these compose files, otherwise the player discovery on Logitech Media Server with not be able to find all the configured players.
See here.
As contributed by vespadj in Issue #6, have a look at this simple docker-compose
service for the Raspberry Pi using its onboard headphone jack as the output device (I only added host network mode so the player is discoverable):
version: "3.3"
image: giof71/squeezelite
container_name: squeezelite
network_mode: host
- /dev/snd:/dev/snd
restart: unless-stopped
Please note that STARTUP_DELAY_SEC
is optional.
The equivalent docker run
command should be the following:
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
--name squeezelite \
--network host \
-e SQUEEZELITE_NAME="home-pi" \
--device /dev/snd \
As another example, here you can find the docker run command I use for a Fiio E18, which supports sampling rates up to 96kHz (but notably not 88.2kHz) enabling upsampling to 96kHz:
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
--name squeezelite \
-e SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING="v::4:28:95:105:45" \
--device /dev/snd \
Another example, with a Topping D10 USB DAC, which supports every sample rate including DSD, you might want to use the following:
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
--name squeezelite \
-e SQUEEZELITE_NAME="ToppingD10" \
-e SQUEEZELITE_RATES="44100-384000" \
-e SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING="v::4:28:95:105:45" \
--device /dev/snd \
Note that the previous commands are interactive (-it
) and that the container is automatically removed (--rm
) when you kill squeezelite for example by using CTRL-C
You might want to use daemon flag (-d
) and optionally a restart strategy (you might want to use --restart unless-stopped
if you want your container to restart automatically, unless you explicitly stop it).
Here is my docker-compose.yaml
file for my office-pi, using tailscale networking, equipped with an hifiberry-pro hat (the one with the headphone amp).
Full upsampling up to 176.4/192 kHz thanks to ArchImago.
version: "3.3"
image: giof71/squeezelite
container_name: squeezelite-hifiberry
- /dev/snd:/dev/snd
- SQUEEZELITE_RATES="44100-192000"
- SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING="v::4:28:95:105:45"
restart: unless-stopped
Note that network_mode
is not specified because we are specifying the server we want to connect to.
, please be sure to use sampling rates that are effectively supported by your DAC.
Another docker-compose.yaml
, this time leveraging presets. This one is for my Gustard X12, setting upsampling again.
The file looks more concise and readable, at least IMO.
version: "3"
image: giof71/squeezelite
container_name: squeezelite-gustard-x12
- /dev/snd:/dev/snd
- PRESET=gustard-x12,goldilocks,rates_up_to_384k
- SQUEEZELITE_NAME=gustard-x12-usb
restart: unless-stopped
See build instructions here.
From this repository I create all the versions of the image. Each of them feature different base images and different way to obtain the squeezelite binary. See the following table for the details.
Tag | Base Image | SqueezeLite Version | SqueezeLite Origin | Additional Tags |
debian | debian:stable-slim | 1.9.9 | Debian Repo | latest, stable, debian-squeezelite-1.9.9, debian-squeezelite-1.9.9-RELEASE |
debian-sourceforge | debian:stable-slim | current | SourceForge | sourceforge-latest, sourceforge-stable, debian-squeezelite-current-sourceforge, debian-squeezelite-current-sourceforge-RELEASE |
The change log is available here.