- 🇪🇸 Español
- 🇺🇸 English
This repository contains my personal configuration, as well as two scripts that I wrote that help me to perform a clean installation of Arch Linux, I must clarify that this script is based on the archfi and archdi-pkg scripts, developed by user [MatMoul] (, if you are new to Arch Linux or want a more polished installation script I invite you to try the archfi script.
Before using the script it is necessary to modify some variables, the first thing is to download the script (make sure you have internet).
curl -O
Open with the trusted terminal text editor and go to the "loadconfigs" function line 1184, from there we will change the following variables for those of your preference.
keymap = "us"
editor = "vim"
locale = "es_VE"
timezone = "America / Caracas"
Once you are in the Arch installation environment.
sh install_arch
Although this repository contains the configuration of all the programs that I use, the scripts are designed by default to install the necessary packages for the proper functioning of the personal configuration, without taking those packages of personal preference, if you want the complete configuration you can execute the script as follows:
sh install_arch --workflow
You can also use the script from a clean install based on Arch Linux
curl -O && sh install_app
Like the first script you can install the configuration
curl -O && sh install_app --workflow
alacritty base base-devel curl dmenu dunst feh firefox flameshot font-bh-ttf gifsicle git gsfonts gvfs gvfs-nfs gvfs-mtp gvfs-smb lib32-mesa lightdm-webkit2-greeter mesa pacman-contrib pamixer qtile ranger redshift sdl_ttf sudo tig ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation ueberzug udiskie wget xorg-server xorg-fonts-type1 zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions zsh-lovers
lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings xfce4 xfce4-goodies xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk
pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol alsa-utils alsa-plugins alsa-lib alsa-firmware gstreamer gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-ugly volumeicon playerct
cups cups-pdf ghostscript gsfonts gutenprint gtk3-print-backends libcups system-config-printer
pacman-contrib base-devel bash-completion usbutils dmidecode dialog gpm
Compression tools
zip unzip unrar p7zip lzop
networkmanager openssh cronie haveged intel-ucode
NetworkManager, sshd, cronie, haveged
File System
dosfstools ntfs-3g btrfs-progs exfat-utils gptfdisk autofs fuse2 fuse3 fuseiso
AUR Packages
lightdm-webkit2-theme-glorious picom-ibhagwan-git ttf-ms-fonts
General Packages
ctags hplip hunspell hunspell-es_ve hyphen hyphen-es kolourpaint languagetool libreoffice-fresh mpc mpd mpv mythes-es ncmpcpp neovim nodejs npm python-neovim python-pip qbittorrent xcb-util-cursor
AUR Packages
aic94xx-firmware bashmount discord_arch_electron google-chrome jdownloader2 libpdfium-nojs megasync minecraft-launcher nvidia-390xx-dkms nvidia-390xx-settings nvidia-390xx-utils opencl-nvidia-390xx runelite-launcher telegram-desktop-bin ventoy-bin visual-studio-code-bin wd719x-firmware zoom
PIP Packages
virtualenv pynvim python-language-server flake8 pylint black jedi
NPM Packages
neovim eslint eslint-config-airbnb-base
First of all make sure you have the dependencies installed.
git clone
cd dotfiles
cp -r .config ~
cp -r .local ~
cp .eslintrc.json ~
cp .zshrc ~
sed -i "/^#greeter-session=example-gtk-gnome/ cgreeter-session=lightdm-webkit2-greeter" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
sed -i "/^webkit_theme = antergos/ cwebkit_theme = glorious" /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf
sed -i "/^debug_mode = false/ cdebug_mode = true" /etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf
This configuration is prepared to run on a single monitor, but you can modify it to run on 2 or more, part of this configuration is based on that of the user Sminez.
Description of the basic shortcuts according to my configuration in Qtile
Shortcut | Action |
mod + enter | open alacritty |
mod + shift + enter | open dmenu |
mod + r | open ranger |
mod + e | open thunar |
mod + b | open chrome |
mod + m | open ncmpcpp |
Shortcut | Action |
mod + F11 | turn up volume |
mod + F12 | turn up volume |
Shortcut | Action |
Print Screen | open flameshot |
Shortcut | Action |
mod + [⬅⬇⬆➡] | navigation between windows (⬅=left, ⬇=down, ⬆=up, ➡=right) |
mod + shift + [⬅⬇⬆➡] | move window (⬅=left, ⬇=down, ⬆=up, ➡=right) |
mod + [hjkl] | navigation between windows (h=left, j=down, k=up, l=right) |
mod + shift + [hjkl] | move window (h=left, j=down, k=up, l=right) |
mod + shift + [1-6] | move window to workspace N (1-6) |
mod + f | maximize window |
mod + [1-6] | switch to workspace N (1-6) |
mod + tab | change to next layout |
mod + shift + tab | change to previous layout |
mod + w | close window |
mod + ctrl + l | lock session |
mod + space | change keyboard layout |
mod + control + r | restart qtile |
mod + control + l | lockscreen |
mod + control + q | log out |