It is a full-stack next-js web app where users can contact the agency, learn more about the agency and discover available destinations. The goal of this project was to go through the process of designing and development from scratch using the latest tools and technologies.
link to project:
- Figma for design
- Next-js-13 for the frotend
- Express-js for the backend
- MongoDB for the database
- Tailwind css for styling
- Formik and Yup for form validation
- Bard ai for text content
- Namecheap logo generator the logo desing
- Remix-icons for the website icons
- Netlify for hosting
- This project helped me deepen my understanding of next-js 13 and how to use the differents methods of rendering.
- I learned the importance of Image optimization and how next-js can handle the process.
- I also learned how to use tailwindcss to perform complex styling.
- I alson learned to build RestApi usnig MVC architecture that performs CRUD operation on MongoDB database.