All Algorithms implemented in Python
Sunfish: a Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code
HandyRL is a handy and simple framework based on Python and PyTorch for distributed reinforcement learning that is applicable to your own environments.
A pure Python shogi library with move generation and validation and handling of common formats.
A Chess GUI based from Python using PySimpleGUI and Python-Chess.
Deep reinforcement learning with tensorflow2
The Arimaa Engine Interface provides a standard method to communicate and control an Arimaa bot.
A bridge between Lishogi API and Lishogi USI Bots
A multi-algorithm chess game that aims to teach AI concepts through experimentation. Users can select from four algorithms to compete against, as well set the search depth.
A UCI "Chess engine" that combines the power of other chess engines.
Converter between sfen string and YaneuraOu packed sfen for shogi
Small utilities to download games from 81Dojo, parse a BGA game replay and generate Shogi22680 positions. Rambling about Shogi variants
An UCI "chess engine" that combines the power of Lc0 and Stockfish.
A tool for the book generation using YaneuraOu.
A chess engine playing at 1400 ELO on using MTD-f algorithm
a broker script with multi-ponder feature. works with a USI shogi engine and a GUI like Shogidokoro.
An Abema-esque evaluation bar for Shogi, slightly modified for streaming.