Jangja / silent_majority
Forked from ebifrier/silent_majorityAperyを改良した将棋ソフトです。
Sunfish: a Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code
AobaKomaochi. Shogi komaochi (handicap game) Deep reinforcement learning.
自作学習部( )のテストとしてHáoをベースに作ったNNUE評価関数
Small utilities to download games from 81Dojo, parse a BGA game replay and generate Shogi22680 positions. Rambling about Shogi variants
An Abema-esque evaluation bar for Shogi, translated to English and slightly modified for streaming.
The website for Matikane Tannhäuser, the cutest Uma Musume out there.
Tutorials on how to implement a few key architectures for image classification using PyTorch and TorchVision.
First Attempt at a Chess Engine Built in Golang
A multi-algorithm chess game that aims to teach AI concepts through experimentation. Users can select from four algorithms to compete against, as well set the search depth.