Yet another Emoji Picker for Flutter π€©
- Lightweight Package
- Fast Loading
- Null-safety
- Completely customizable
- Material Design and Cupertino mode
- Emojis that cannot be displayed are filtered out (Android Only)
- Optional recently used emoji tab
- Skin Tone Support
- Custom-Font Support
- Search Option
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' as foundation;
onEmojiSelected: (Category category, Emoji emoji) {
// Do something when emoji is tapped (optional)
onBackspacePressed: () {
// Do something when the user taps the backspace button (optional)
// Set it to null to hide the Backspace-Button
textEditingController: textEditingController, // pass here the same [TextEditingController] that is connected to your input field, usually a [TextFormField]
config: Config(
height: 256,
bgColor: const Color(0xFFF2F2F2),
checkPlatformCompatibility: true,
emojiViewConfig: EmojiViewConfig(
// Issue:
emojiSizeMax: 28 *
(foundation.defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS
? 1.20
: 1.0),
swapCategoryAndBottomBar: false,
skinToneConfig: const SkinToneConfig(),
categoryViewConfig: const CategoryViewConfig(),
bottomActionBarConfig: const BottomActionBarConfig(),
searchViewConfig: const SearchViewConfig(),
All examples can be found here
Default (Some Emoji might not be displayed correctly e.g. Frowning Face π¨ Will be fixed with 3.17)
Custom Font (Display all emoji correctly in the style of the font, additional ~15mb e.g. with Google Fonts)
WhatsApp like customization
*All screenshots from Android. iOS displays by default most emoji correctly.
property | description | default |
height | Height of Emoji Picker | 256 |
swapCategoryAndBottomBar | Swap the category view and bottom bar (category bottom and bottom bar top) | false |
checkPlatformCompatibility | Whether to filter out glyphs that platform cannot render with the default font (Android). | true |
emojiSet | Custom emoji set, can be built based on defaultEmojiSet provided by the library. |
null |
emojiTextStyle | Text style to apply to individual emoji icons. Can be used to define custom emoji font either with GoogleFonts library or bundled with the app. | null |
emojiViewConfig | Emoji view config | const EmojiViewConfig() |
skinToneConfig | Skin tone config | const SkinToneConfig |
categoryViewConfig | Category view config | const CategoryViewConfig |
bottomActionBarConfig | Bottom action bar config | const BottomActionBarConfig() |
searchViewConfig | Search View config | const SearchViewConfig |
property | description | default |
columns | Number of emojis per row | 7 |
emojiSizeMax | Width and height the emoji will be maximal displayed | 32.0 |
backgroundColor | The background color of the emoji view | const Color(0xFFEBEFF2) |
verticalSpacing | Vertical spacing between emojis | 0 |
horizontalSpacing | Horizontal spacing between emojis | 0 |
gridPadding | The padding of GridView | |
recentsLimit | Limit of recently used emoji that will be saved | 28 |
replaceEmojiOnLimitExceed | Replace latest emoji on recents list on limit exceed | false |
noRecents | A widget (usually [Text]) to be displayed if no recent emojis to display. Needs to be const Widget! |
Text('No Recents', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: Colors.black26), textAlign: |
loadingIndicator | A widget to display while emoji picker is initializing. Needs to be const Widget! |
SizedBox.shrink() |
buttonMode | Choose between Material and Cupertino button style | ButtonMode.MATERIAL |
property | description | default |
enableSkinTones | Enable feature to select a skin tone of certain emoji's | true |
dialogBackgroundColor | The background color of the skin tone dialog | Colors.white |
indicatorColor | Color of the small triangle next to multiple skin tone emoji | Colors.grey |
property | description | default |
tabBarHeight | Height of category tab bar | 46.0 |
tabIndicatorAnimDuration | Duration of tab indicator to animate to next category | Duration(milliseconds: 300) |
initCategory | The initial Category that will be selected | Category.RECENT |
recentTabBehavior | Show extra tab with recently / popular used emoji | RecentTabBehavior.RECENT |
showBackspaceButton | Show backspace button in category view | false |
backgroundColor | Background color of category tab bar | const Color(0xFFEBEFF2) |
indicatorColor | The color of the category indicator | |
iconColor | The color of the category icons | Colors.grey |
iconColorSelected | The color of the category icon when selected | |
backspaceColor | The color of the backspace icon button | |
categoryIcons | Determines the icon to display for each Category. You can change icons by setting them in the constructor. | CategoryIcons() |
customCategoryView | Customize the category widget | null |
property | description | default |
showBackspaceButton | Show backspace button in bottom action bar | true |
showSearchViewButton | Show search-view button in bottom action bar | true |
backgroundColor | Background color of bottom action bar | |
buttonColor | Fill color of buttons in bottom action bar | |
buttonIconColor | Icon color of buttons | Colors.white |
customBottomActionBar | Customize the bottom action bar widget | null |
property | description | default |
backgroundColor | Background color of search view | const Color(0xFFEBEFF2) |
buttonColor | Fill color of hide search view button | Colors.transparent |
buttonIconColor | Icon color of hide search view button | Colors.black26 |
hintText | Custom hint text | 'Search' |
customSearchView | Customize search view widget | null |
Backspace button is enabled by default on the bottom action bar. If you prefer to have the backspace button inside the category, you can enable it inside the CategoryViewConfig
You can listen to the Backspace tap event by registering a callback inside onBackspacePressed: () { }
. This will make it easier for your user to remove an added Emoji without showing the keyboard. Check out the example for more details about usage.
Bottom Backspace Button
Top Backspace Button
The appearance is completely customizable by setting customWidget
property. If properties in Config are not enough you can inherit from EmojiPickerView
(recommended but not necessary) to make further adjustments.
class CustomView extends EmojiPickerView {
CustomView(Config config, EmojiViewState state, VoidCallback showSearchBar,
: super(
_CustomViewState createState() => _CustomViewState();
class _CustomViewState extends State<CustomView> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// TODO: implement build
// Access widget.config, widget.state and widget.showSearchBar
return Container();
onEmojiSelected: (category, emoji) {/* ...*/},
config: Config(/* ...*/),
customWidget: (config, state, showSearchView) => CustomView(
Each component can also be completely customized individually:
Find usage example here
// Get recently used emoji
final recentEmojis = await EmojiPickerUtils().getRecentEmojis();
// Search for related emoticons based on keywords
final filterEmojiEntities = await EmojiPickerUtils().searchEmoji("face", defaultEmojiSet);
// Add an emoji to recently used list or increase its counter
final newRecentEmojis = await EmojiPickerUtils().addEmojiToRecentlyUsed(key: key, emoji: emoji);
// Important: Needs same key instance of type GlobalKey<EmojiPickerState> here and for the EmojiPicker-Widget in order to work properly
// Highlight emojis with custom style spans
final textSpans = EmojiPickerUtils().setEmojiTextStyle('text', emojiStyle: style);
// Clear list of recent Emojis
EmojiPickerUtils().clearRecentEmojis(key: key);
Always happy if anyone wants to help to improve this package!
Please open an issue so that we can discuss your feature request π
Made with π in Tokyo