InfoGraph AI is a tool that you can use to create simple and customized infographics.
Get a copy of the repo by cloning it.
git clone
How to run it locally.
Install Node and a package manager. Node is a JavaScript runtime which allows you to run JavaScript code outside a browser. You need a package manager like npm(node package manager) to manage the packages in the React App. Visit the official Node.js website and download the latest version for your operating system. Install it by clicking on the downloaded file and following the instructions.
You can verify the instalation by running.
node --version
npm --version
Chose a text editor or and IDE (integrated Development Environment) like Visual Studio Code and configure it to run JavaScript and React code.
Open the cloned repo in Visual Studio code.
- Navigate to the directory on the command Prompt
cd InfoGraphAI
- in the project's root directory, run the following command to install the project's dependencies specified in the package.json file:
npm install
- Open it in Visual Studio Code
code .
In the terminal, navigate to the directory of the repository you cloned and run
npm run dev
You can acces the app by pasting the diplayed link in your browser.
- You need internect connection to generate the Summary.
On the home page, start creating your infographic by clicking on the create button.
Type/Paste your text in the text box and submit.
This will generate a summary you can edit in oder to create the infographic.
To edit the summarized text, click on the edit buutton and make your edit and click save.
You can copy the summary unto the clipboard with the copy button.
If you want to generate a new summary, you must delete the old one first.
To generate your infographic click on the generate button.
- These infographics are created with templates generated form canva and the text from your summary.