2D physics header-only library for videogames developed in C using raylib library.
Unity引擎C++接口 | Unity Engine C++ API | Mono/il2cpp | 支持 Windows, Android, Linux, IOS, HarmonyOS | Game Cheat | 游戏作弊
SpotX Mac and Linux adblocker for the Spotify desktop client, in Bash
A C++ library for accessing Unity's IL2CPP classes, methods, and fields during run-time.
An Electron.js-based desktop application for automatically translating on-screen text.
Simulate DLSS Upscaler and DLSS-G Frame Generation features on any DirectX 12 compatible GPU in any DirectX 12 game that supports DLSS2 and DLSS3 natively.
OpenCore EFI for AMD Ryzen Hackintosh
Archive Unpacker/Packer For PlayStation Archive (PSARC) Files
Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found).
Retrieves exported functions from a legitimate DLL and generates a proxy DLL source code/template for DLL proxy loading or sideloading
Universal graphical hook for a D3D9-D3D12, OpenGL and Vulkan based games.
DLLirant is a tool to automatize the DLL Hijacking researches on a specified binary.
Quon / HLSLDecompiler
Forked from etnlGD/HLSLDecompilerHLSL Decompiler forked from 3Dmigoto
Windows tool for dumping malware PE files from memory back to disk for analysis.
DirectX 11/12 hook including a simple overlay framework
PCBS2Cheat by HardBuzzer(Simple Console Cheat for PCBS2)
A databank of every UE modding tool & guide that have potential to be used across multiple UE games
A repo for a bunch of useful/fun things related to modding Palworld.
Sample project of a native SDL window hosted within a WPF application
Universal graphical hook for Windows apps.
An universal Dear ImGui Hook for Directx12 D3D12 (D3D11, D3D10 and maybe Vulkan will be added later)
Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
terminatorul / NvStrapsReBar
Forked from xCuri0/ReBarUEFIResizable BAR for Turring GTX 1600 / RTX 2000 GPUs