A simple es7 decorator to control your class and methods arguments types or instances.
If the decorator detects an anomaly, it will throw a ArgumentTypeError
with a message showing the wrong argument.
Configure babel to use decorators:
npm i --save-dev babel-transform-decorators-legacy
and add "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"]
in your .babelrc.
then: npm i --save-dev es7-checktypes-decorator
First, require the decorator:
import { checktypes } from 'es7-checktypes-decorator';
The decorator will control if your arguments have the good type and / or are an instance of a Class.
You have simply to call the decorator before a method or a class. Like that:
@checktypes('Number', CustomClass)
// This class expects to receive arg1 as Number (typeof) and arg2 as CustomClass instance (instanceof).
class Class_expecting_Number_type_and_CustomClass_instance {
constructor(arg1, arg2) {}
@checktypes('String', 'Number')
method_expecting_String_type_and_Number_type(arg1, arg2) {}
@checktypes(Array, Date, CustomClass)
method_expecting_Array_and_Date_and_CustomClass_instances(arg1, arg2, arg3) {}
@checktypes(['String', CustomClass], ['Number', 'String'])
// This method expects to receive arg1 as String or CustomClass instance
// and arg2 as Number or String.
method_expecting_String_type_or_CustomClass_and_Number_type_or_String_type(arg1, arg2) {}
If the validation is ok, your class or your methods will be executed as always.
If the validation is wrong, the decorator will throw a ArgumentTypeError
(inherited from TypeError) with a custom message.