AHB2 Public
AMBA AHB 2.0 VIP in SystemVerilog UVM
machine-learning-for-software-engineers Public
Forked from ZuzooVn/machine-learning-for-software-engineersA complete daily plan for studying to become a machine learning engineer.
deepmath Public
Forked from tensorflow/deepmathExperiments towards neural network theorem proving
rocket-chip Public
Forked from chipsalliance/rocket-chipRocket Chip Generator
gemmlowp Public
Forked from google/gemmlowpLow-precision matrix multiplication
Neural-Networks-on-Silicon Public
Forked from fengbintu/Neural-Networks-on-SiliconThis is a collection of works on neural networks and neural accelerators.
2 UpdatedSep 26, 2016 -
NyuziProcessor Public
Forked from jbush001/NyuziProcessorGPGPU processor architecture
riscv-isa-sim Public
Forked from riscv-software-src/riscv-isa-simSpike, a RISC-V ISA Simulator
epiphany-libs Public
Forked from adapteva/epiphany-libsEpiphany runtime libraries and utilities
HackerRank_30_Days_of_Code Public
Here, I am uploading my solutions to HackerRank - 30 Days of Code streak. Mostly, I'll try to upload those codes which have been successfully accepted by HackerRank. However, if there are codes whi…
miaow Public
Forked from VerticalResearchGroup/miaowAn open source GPU based off of the AMD Southern Islands ISA.
parallella-hw Public
Forked from parallella/parallella-hwParallella board design files
Forex_Trading_C- Public
A C++ program for forex trading. Has three function 1) bookTrade 2) printTrade 3) exit 1)bookTrade asks user a) Name of the person he wants to transfer b) the amount he wants to transfer and c) fro…
object-detection-in-Python Public
Done in raspberri pi, using camera we capture an object held in front of it, extract features (support vector machine) and then compare those features with objects on the web. Features that have ma…
write-code-every-day Public
Forked from raphamorim/write-code-every-dayA project to honor those developers who believed in the challenge.
Here I am trying to create a database in C++ that stores a students roll no,name,marks and all those regular things that you do when you start out learning C++. My basic purpose for creating this i…
2 UpdatedMar 28, 2016 -
rowhammer-test Public
Forked from google/rowhammer-testTest DRAM for bit flips caused by the rowhammer problem
fpgammix Public
Forked from tommythorn/fpgammixPartial implementation of Knuth's MMIX processor (FPGA softcore)
fpganes Public
Forked from jpwright/fpganesFPGA-based AI for Super Mario Bros. Designed for an Altera DE2