I am a Web Developer with passion of learning new technologies and creating. I built my interest in coding in my early life because I loved to play games such as Fifa 08, Call of Duty- o4 and loved to browse new topics. That's why I really know about Computer from my childhood. That's why I aimed that I will study Computer Science and Engineering so that I can build Computer Applications.
I attended Sylhet International University where I learned deeply about Computer and learned how to code Programming Language(C, C++, Java, Python) HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Laravel, React. I practiced coding for 10 hours every day under the supervission of my experienced teachers. I created web applications in a coding environment and developed the coding understanding culture.
I received Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering with distinction. After receiving my graduation I joined to TechLence as a Web Developer. There I really learned production of web application environment. Now a days I am working in Sylhet ICT Park as a contract base Software Engineer.
I am actively seeking a full-time job. I can work office and also from remote position. Please feel free to contact me to discuss how my experience and knowledge can support your Software Development Company. Email: [email protected] , Phone: +8801753882282.