A node.js script which uses puppeteer
to automatically join your google classroom classes.
This code was all created in one day as a challenge. Expect to find some bugs and missing features!
The config should be placed in the root directory of the project, and should be named config.json
"schedule": {
"monday": [
"name": "Classroom name",
"start": [7, 30], // [hours, minutes], so 7:30 am
"end": [8, 10] // 8:10 am
"thursday": [
"name": "Classroom name",
"start": [20, 8], // 20:08 or 08:08 pm
"end": [20, 11] // 20:11 or 08:11 pm
// Other days of the week as well...
"settings": {
"hereMessage": "I am here!", // Sends a message in the chat a few seconds after you join (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
"headless": false, // If puppeteer should be headless
"email": "your school email",
"password": "school password",
"toggleMic": false, // Toggle the mic setting before joining
"toggleCam": false, // Toggle the cam setting after joining
"checkInterval": 5000, // How frequently should the script check if the classroom has a valid google meet link that can be joined
"logs": true, // If warnings, info and errors should be printed to the console
"specificMeet": "..." // A link to a specific google meet room. If provided the script will ignore the "schedule" and instantly attempt to join this room.