- git clone --recurse-submodules
- modify argument inside the file "/home/path_to_ws/src/environment_pkg/launch/simulate_tiago.launch" **
arg name="path_to_ws" -->default="/path_to_your_ws"<--- subs this part with path to your ws
- roslaunch environment_pkg simulate_tiago.launch
- wait some minute for bring up
- create a listener to "/joint_states" and listen to "wheel_left_joint" and "wheel_right_joint" position array to get wheel encoders message is sensor_msgs/JointState, so you need to import in the python file a "sensor_msgs/JointState" msg
- To move the tiago create a publisher on "/mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel"
- use in your python script a "geometry_msgs/Twist" msg and modify the linear x component of the msg for a linear movement or angular z component for a angular movement
- "linear:
---> x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
---> z: 0.0"
- BOX1/pick_up: Picks up a box. (If the box is not inside a circle of raw 1.5m, the box won't be picked up)
- BOX1/put_down: Puts down a box.
- BOX1/update_position: Updates the position of a box.
- BOX1/get_position: Retrieves the position of a box.
(Similar services exist for BOX2 and BOX3.)
- BoxPickUp BoxPutDown
- request and responce are bools
- BoxUpdatePos
- request: int32, float32 bool
- responce bool
- BoxPos
- request bool
- responce float32, float32, float32 indicating x,y,z pos variable
- Door1/update_pos: Opens or closes Door1.
- Door2/update_pos: Opens or closes Door2.
- Door3/update_pos: Opens or closes Door3.
- Door4/update_pos: Opens or closes Door4.
- DoorOpen
- request and responce are bools