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Python module for post processing data from many-body perturbation theory.


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Python Tool Suite for Green's-function-based many-body calculations using Green Software Package.

Package contains two main modules:

  • mint (Mean-feald INput generation Toolkit): generates input files for Green/WeakCoupling using PySCF, ASE and SPGLib
  • pesto (Post-processing Evaluation Software TOols): provides access to various post-processing tools such as analytical continuation, and Mulliken analysis.


  • To install the green-mbtools binary package simply execute:
pip install green-mbtools
  • To build from sources download the source code either from github or from PyPI and run:
python -m build

This will automatically build the Nevanlinna and Caratheodory extensions, which are written in C++.


  1. Python packages: numpy, scipy, h5py, green-ac, pyscf, ase, spglib, irbasis, cvxpy, and baryrat.
  2. C++ libraries: Eigen, GMP, MPFR
  3. pytest for testing
  4. Maxent external C++ librar needs to be built separately to run analytic continuation tasks using the maxent method.


  • Generate input for Green/WeakCoupling.
  • Compute molecular/natural orbitals.
  • Mulliken analyasis based on symmetrical atomic orbitals.
  • Fourier transformation between real and reciprocal space.
  • Fourier transformation between imaginary-time and Matsuabara frequency domain on IR grids.
  • Wannier interpolation
  • Maxent analytical continuation (External C++ library required:
  • Nevanlinna analytical continuation, based on Fei Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 056402 (2021).
  • PES analytical continuation, based on Phys. Rev. B 107, 075151 (2023).
  • Caratheodory analytical continuation for complex valued matrices (External C++ library in Caratheodory, authored by Fei Phys. Rev. B 104, 165111 (2021).


  • Migrate to newer IR grid format
  • Improved README and documentation on where to find examples (perhaps a sub-README in the examples folder),
  • (for current implementation of Nevanlinna) re-integrate Hardy optimization
  • Fix examples/winter*.py: The original example for Silicon has been modified to Hydrogen (for which test data is available). The high-symmetry points in the interpolation need to be readjusted accordingly.

Contirbutions to the code

  • Most of the pesto source code was written by @cnyeh
  • Nevanlinna analytic continuation was implemented by @jianiOnly
  • Clean up and packaging of the code and extension modules, including Nevanlinna and Caratheodory, was performed by by @gauravharsha
  • ES analytic continuation implemented by @gauravharsha
  • Example for spaghetti diagrams for occupation numbers added by @pavel-po
  • C++ wrapper to GMP and MPFR float numbers and packaging @iskakoff
  • Green/WeakCoupling input generation @cnyeh and @iskakoff


Python module for post processing data from many-body perturbation theory.



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