Minimalistic environment using OpenGL, GLEW, and GLFW for GLSL shader art and image processing.
- #include directive support for glsl files
- texture support
- micro-librarys for:
- basic shapes
- fractal coloring
- random number generation
- color conversion (quite inefficient)
- mandelbrot set
- julia set with mouse positon varying c parameter
- sphere
- loading screen
- halftone in grayscale with horizontal and vertical dot travel
- halftone in color (rgb) with dot travel and angle offset
- kuwahara filter
- palette quantization to specified color palette
- luminance quantization with color preservation using value from hsv mapped colors
- ordered dithering with 2x2 threshold map with equaly spaced color palette
- generalized kuwahara filter
- more efficient color conversion
- ordered dithering with larger precalculated threshold maps
- time or mouse position varying parameters for all filters and shaders
- Basic framework based on
- GLSL The Book of Shaders
- Shaping functions visualization
- Color palette generator