Lean Continue aims to integrate Lean Copilot's functionalities (suggest_tactics, search_proof, select_premises) with Continue. Make the Lean Copilot user experience more friendly and seamless.
Please follow the steps listed below to install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn server:app --port 23337
With the running lean copilot service, you can then use Continue to interact with Lean Copilot.
- Download and install VS Code.
Download the Lean Continue extension file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ic79-UsSybzC_eGs7pUd3DKDs8oVi6dg/view?usp=sharing
Install the extensions by "Install from VSIX" in VScode extensions bar.
Open Lean Continue.
In left bar of Continue, Select Add Chat model and enter the address of your Lean Copilot HTTP Service, like Note that here you need to add /generate after your address to get the generation service.
Finally, you can enjoy the user friendly proof automation, e.g., suggesting tactics/premises and searching for proofs in Continue.