A bot that performs a search according to the user’s requirements, following the first 5 results (excluding ads). It provides a count of letters, vowels, and consonants present on each site.
- Node.js
- Selenium
1. NodeJS V16.17.1
2. geckodriver V0.32.0
OBS: Extract the geckodriver file and place it in the project's root folder.
1. Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/GustavoHenriqueSchmitz/Bot-de-Pesquisa.git
2. Install the dependencies by running this command in the project's root directory.
npm i
3. Start the bot by running this command in the project's root directory.
node main.js
Gustavo Henrique Schmitz
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gustavo-henrique-schmitz
Portfolio: https://gustavohenriqueschmitz.com
Email: [email protected]