Telegram bot with using WolframAlpha API. Written on aiogram. Try here
Before launching the bot, create an .env
file and populate it with the following API (all API are free)
- API for bot telegram. To get it you need to create a bot in BotFatherWOLFRAM_SIMPLE_API
- WolframAlpha API for Simple API and Spoken Results APIWOLFRAM_SHOW_STEP_API
- WolframAlpha API for Show Steps APISIMPLE_TEX_API
- the API of the Chinese analog of Mathpix. Get it from siteDETECT_LANGUAGE_API
- Even though translation is done through deep_translator and does not require an API, I use Detect Language API to save the user's language and translate responsesDETECT_LANGUAGE_API
- Gemini. Gives the ability to recognize photos much better and also to formulate queries if the user has entered an unclear query. Google studio
- Comment and clean up the code
- Statistics
- Improve interaction with the database
- Improve random walk