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Forked from dragonfly/dragonflyAn open source python library for scalable Bayesian optimisation.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2020 -
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Forked from boat-group/fancy-nlpNLP for human. A fast and easy-to-use natural language processing (NLP) toolkit, satisfying your imagination about NLP.
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Forked from lmoroney/dlaicourseNotebooks for learning deep learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 7, 2020 -
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Forked from tensorlayer/TensorLayerDeep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Scientists
Python Other UpdatedSep 14, 2019 -
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Forked from horovod/horovodDistributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
C++ Other UpdatedSep 12, 2019 -
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Forked from google/yapfA formatter for Python files
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 13, 2019 -
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Forked from catboost/catboostA fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports comp…
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Python UpdatedJul 23, 2019 -
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Forked from alibaba/x-deeplearningAn industrial deep learning framework for high-dimension sparse data
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Forked from dyc87112/SpringBoot-LearningSpring Boot基础教程,Spring Boot 2.x版本连载中!!!
UpdatedApr 22, 2019 -
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Forked from keras-team/kerasDeep Learning for humans
Python Other UpdatedFeb 13, 2019 -
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Forked from alteryx/featuretoolsAn open source python framework for automated feature engineering
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 7, 2019 -
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Forked from MorvanZhou/PyTorch-TutorialBuild your neural network easy and fast
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Forked from tobegit3hub/ml_implementationImplementation of Machine Learning Algorithms
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Forked from WonderSimiliar/RoomAIA toolkit for developing and comparing AI-bots of imperfect information games.
Python UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
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Forked from Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-Tutorials-ChineseTensorFlow 中文教程 (Chinese Tutorials)
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2018