helper tool for uploading data to Agora
The latest release of the agora-uploader can be found here. Please make sure you choose the correct platform.
The agora-uploader can upload a file or an entire folder from the command line with the following syntax:
agora-uploader --url <agora_server_url> --path <file_or_folder> --target-folder <target_folder_id> <options>
-u, --url The URL of the Agora server
-p, --path The path to a file or folder to be uploaded
-f, --target-folder The ID of the target folder where the data is uploaded to (default: -1)
-k, --api-key The Agora API key used for authentication
--verify Verifies if all the uploaded files were imported correctly (waits until the import is complete)
--extract-zip If the uploaded file is a zip, it is extracted and its content is imported into Agora (default: false)
--no-check-certificate Don't check the server certificate
--import-json The json which will be used for the import
--fake Run the uploader without actually uploading the files (for testing and debugging) (default: false)
--help show help (default: false)
Upload a file into the Agora folder with ID = 13 (username and password are promted on the commandline)
agora-uploader --url --path /data/my_dicom.dcm --target-folder 13
Upload an entire folder and use the Agora api-key for authentication
agora-uploader -u -p /data/ -f 13 --api-key 8be8b7bd-5007-4af9-95fa-4c491566d40a
Upload a folder and verify that all uploaded files have been imported
agora-uploader --url --path /data/ --target-folder 13 --verify
Upload a .zip file and import its content
agora-uploader -u -p /data/ -f 13 --extract-zip
Skip the verification of the server's ssl certificate (e.g. when using a self-signed certificate)
agora-uploader --url --path /data/my_dicom.dcm --target-folder 13 --no-check-certificate