Tags: HAO-zhuzi/MNN
beta - CPU - add padding support - fix bug in permute when channel % 4 != 0 - fix bug in exp with extreme value - OpenCL - add protecting logics - OpenGL - add protecting logics - support NCHW format in Squeeze and Reshape - Converter - add ShuffleChannel support for Caffe - add Clip/Transpose/Unary/Pad supports for ONNX
beta - support both armv7/arm64 in podspec (pod version >= 1.5.0 required) - refactor neg axis support - fix memory overlap in de-conv - fix CONVOLUTION_TILED_NUMBER spell error - fix few warnings - add binary / interp / permute / relu / reshape / softmax support and optimize conv for OpenGL backend - add clean in nmake build script
beta - replace FreeImage with stb_image - warn unicode error in Windows compiling - separate clang/gcc build script for android - add default values in fbs - optimize CPU conv / conv depthwise / deconv / deconv depthwise / lstm / sigmoid - add sub support in eltwise - add reciprocal / log1p / log in unary - add zero like / select / set diff 1d - add batch support for permute - add training codes - fix metal error in dynamic separate storage type handling
beta - cpu & gpu - add ceil mode in pool - fix softmax with neg axis - cpu - add unsqueeze op - optimize lstm - gpu - add 5x5 winograd in metal - add batch support for winograd in opencl - onnx - add concat / gather / shape / squeeze / unsqueeze - fix data type support in constant