A port of anderson.vim color scheme for Neovim written in Lua.
- Supported Plugins:
- Treesitter
- Telescope
- LSP Diagnostics
- Nvim Tree
- NERDTree
- Startify
- vim-gitgutter
- undotree
- Vista.vim
- Hop
- WhichKey
- indentLine
- Indent Blankline
- nvim-notify
- vim-illuminate
- nvim-cmp
- And many other plugins you can find here
This plugin requires Neovim >= 0.5.0
Install via your favourite package manager:
Plug 'HASSIIYY/anderson.nvim'
use 'HASSIIYY/anderson.nvim'
{ 'HASSIIYY/anderson.nvim' },
Load the color scheme and define the desired options:
-- values shown are defaults and will be used if not provided
italics = true, -- enable italics in general
comments = {
italics = true, -- enable italic comments
background = {
transparent = false, -- set the background to transparent
float = {
force_background = false, -- force background on floats even when background.transparent is set
background_color = nil, -- set color for float backgrounds. If nil, uses the default color set
-- by the color scheme
signs = {
highlight = true, -- whether to highlight signs
customize = nil, -- customize the theme in any way you desire, see below what this
-- configuration accepts
In the configuration, you can set customize
to a function to modify the theme on the fly. This
value accepts a function that takes a highlight group name and some options, and returns some
The function signature is:
fun(group: string, options: table): table
Where both the options table and the return table are options as described in the
For instance, in order to disable bold usage on the entire color scheme, you can use
customize = function(_, o)
o.bold = false
return o
Or if you want to change the coloring from a specific highlight group, in this case set the current line number to a bold orange instead of the default grey:
-- get colors from the colorscheme for current background and "medium" contrast
local colors = require("anderson.colors")
customize = function(g, o)
if g == "CursorLineNr" then
o.link = nil -- wipe a potential link, which would take precedence over other
-- attributes
o.fg = colors.orange -- or use any color in "#rrggbb" hex format
o.bold = true
return o