This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the Binance API. You can stream candlestick chart data, market depth, or use other advanced features such as setting stop losses and iceberg orders. This project seeks to have complete API coverage including WebSockets.
The Java and Android project can also use the library.
1.Download the Jar here,and dependence the Jar in your Java or Android project
2.git clone the java source ,and add the source into your project .
So,You can use him as simple as the following:
ApiMethods apiMethods = ApiMethods.getInstance()
Now , you can get all method through "apiMethods" ,and fetch data what you want .
All normal request result in ApiCallback,you can get data String in "onSuccess",and also can deal with err in "onFailure".
But the websocket callback through "WebSocketListener",you can get data from "onMessage".
//some multi-parameter request we use Map Upload,
//but you must upload what server want
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("symbol", "BNBETH");
map.put("timestamp", System.currentTimeMillis());
apiMethods.getAllOrders(map, new ApiCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
public void onFailure(String msg) {
apiMethods.get24hr("BNBETH", new ApiCallback() {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
public void onFailure(String msg) {
// 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
apiMethods.wsKline("BNBETH", "1m",new WebSocketListener() {
public void onMessage(WebSocket webSocket, String text) {
super.onMessage(webSocket, text);
public void onFailure(WebSocket webSocket, Throwable t, okhttp3.Response response) {
super.onFailure(webSocket, t, response);
public void onOpen(WebSocket webSocket, okhttp3.Response response) {
super.onOpen(webSocket, response);
All requests are similar to the above, so I just list the Apilist below.
if you want test or know more about the API ,you can clone the demo Source code.
Also ,if there are any problems in use, please let me know.I'll fix it as soon as possible
//Test connectivity to the Rest API.
ping(ApiCallback callback)
//Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.
getTime(ApiCallback callback)
//Get compressed, aggregate trades.
getAggTrades(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time.
getKlines(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//24 hour price change statistics.
get24hr(String symbol, ApiCallback callback)
//Latest price for all symbols.
getAllPrices(ApiCallback callback)
//Best price/qty on the order book for all symbols.
getAllBookTickers(ApiCallback callback)
//Check an order's status
getOrder(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Send in a new order
sendOrder(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Cancel an active order
cancelOrder(Map map, Callback<String> callback)
// Get all open orders on a symbo
getOpenOrders(String symbol, ApiCallback callback)
//get symbol depth
getDepth(String symbol, ApiCallback callback)
//Get current account information
getCount(ApiCallback callback)
//Get trades for a specific account and symbol
getMyTrades(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled
getAllOrders(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Start a new user data stream
getUserDataStream(ApiCallback callback)
//Close out a user data stream
closeUserDataStream(String listenKey, ApiCallback callback)
//Fetch deposit history.
getDepositHistory(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Fetch withdraw history
getWithdrawHistory(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Submit a withdraw request.
submitWithdraw(Map map, ApiCallback callback)
//Depth Websocket Endpoint
wsDepth(String symbol, WebSocketListener socketListener)
//Kline Websocket Endpoint
wsKline(String symbol, String interval, WebSocketListener socketListener)
//Trades Websocket Endpoint
wsAggTrade(String symbol, WebSocketListener socketListener)
//User Data Websocket Endpoint
wsUserData(String key, WebSocketListener socketListener)