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A chip8 emulator, debugger, and disassembler running in the terminal.

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A Chip-8 emulator (interpreter, to be pedantic), debugger, and disassembler, made to run in a terminal.


  • A relatively modern terminal is recommended for a smooth refresh rate.
  • A Monospaced font is recommended to display "halfblock" unicode characters seamlessly, but is not imperative.
  • The emulator has only been tested on Linux, but there shouldn't be any issues on macOS.
  • For Windows users, try to run it in WSL, no guarantees tho.


To download and compile:

git clone &&
cd chip8 &&
make release

To run the emulator:

./chip8 your-file

Some ROMS are included in the roms/ directory. (Credit)


  • ncurses for the Text User Interface (TUI)
    • Most likely on your system already, if not, it is packaged for every package manager out there.


Escape Quit
Enter Reset ROM
Space Pause
Tab Step (when paused)
- Decrease speed (20Hz)
+ Increase speed (20Hz)

See HexPad for the Chip-8 keyboard.


Most of the information is sourced from Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference; the de facto Chip-8 reference.


4096 bytes of RAM

  • 0x000 - 0x1ff Reserved (used to be for the interpreter itself)
    • 0x50 - 0xAA Fontset: 16 * 5 bytes sprites (0-F)
      • Example for the 0 sprite:
        Sprite Binary Hex
        + + + + 0b11110000 0xF0
        +       + 0b10010000 0x90
        +       + 0b10010000 0x90
        +       + 0b10010000 0x90
        + + + + 0b11110000 0xF0
  • 0x200- Entry Point of most Chip-8 programs


  • vA-vF 16 * 8-bit registers
  • I 16-bit Index register
  • PC 16-bit Program Counter
  • STACK 16 * 16-bit values to store return addresses from subroutines
  • SP 8-bit Stack Pointer (unused, as I make use of std::vector for the stack)
  • DT 8-bit Delay Timer
  • ST 8-bit Sound Timer


  • Resolution of 64x32
  • The TUI uses a resolution of 64x16 as it uses the lower half-block unicode character in combination with the foreground/background color of the character cell to double the terminal's vertical resolution and simulate the correct aspect ratio.

Timers & Sound

  • Delay Timer: Is active whenever the DT register is non-zero. Is decremented by 1 at the rate of 60Hz.
  • Sound Timer: Is active whenever the ST register is non-zero. Is decremented by 1 at the rate of 60hz.
    • When active, the Chip-8 buzzer will sound. This is emulated by printing the emulator frame in red.



1 2 3 4  
Q W E R  
A S D F  

Original Chip-8:

1 2 3 C  
4 5 6 D  
7 8 9 E  
A 0 B F  

Instruction Set & Assembly mnemonics

  • The Chip-8 has 36 different instructions.
  • All instructions are two bytes long.
  • The first byte of each instructions should be located at an even address in memory.
    • Sprites can be an uneven number of bytes, but must be padded so instructions following it stays properly situated in memory.

Variables in instructions are represented this way:

  • 0xfXYf X,Y = Nibbles (Used to designate registers)
  • 0xfNNN NNN = Address
  • 0xfNNf NN = Byte
  • 0xfffN N = Nibble
Opcode Mnemonic Variables Description
0NNN sys NNN Jump to machine code routine at NNN
00E0 cls Clear the display
00EE ret Return from a subroutine
1NNN jp NNN Jump to location NNN
2NNN call NNN Call subroutine NNN
3XNN se VX, NN Skip the next instruction if VX == NN
4XNN sne VX, NN Skip the next instruction if VX != NN
5XY0 se VX, NN Skip the next instruction if VX = VY
6XNN ld VX, NN Set VX = NN
7XNN add VX, NN Set VX += NN
8XY0 ld VX, VY Set VX = VY
8XY1 or VX, VX Set VX |= VY
8XY2 and VX, VY Set VX &= VY
8XY3 xor VX, VY Set VX ^= VY
8XY4 add VX, VY Set VX += VY, VF = CARRY
8XY5 sub VX, VY Set VX -= VY, VF = !BORROW
8XY6 shr VX, {,VY} Set VX >>= 1, VF = LSB(VX), VX /= 2
8XY7 subn VX, VY Set VX = VY - VX, VF = !BORROW
8XYE shl VX, {,VY} Set VX <<= 1, VF = LSB(VX), VX *= 2
9XY0 sne VX, VY Skip next instruction if VX != VY
ANNN ld I, NNN Set I = NNN
BNNN jp V0, NNN Jump to location NNN + V0
CXNN rnd VX, NN Set VX = rng & NN
DXYN drw VX, VY, N Display memory I to I+N at (VX, VY), VF = collision
EX9E skp VX Skip next instruction if keypad[VX]
EXA1 skpn VX Skip next instruction if !keypad[VX]
FX07 ld VX, DT Set VX = DT
FX0A ld VX, KEY Wait for input, Set VX = KEY
FX15 ld DT, VX Set DT = VX
FX18 ld ST, VX Set ST = VX
FX1E add I, VX Set I += VX
FX29 ld CHAR, VX Set I = location of sprite for digit VX
FX33 ld BCD, VX Store BCD(VX) at memory I, I+1, I+2
FX55 ld [I], VX Store registers V0->VX in memory from I
FX65 ld VX, [I] Store memory from I to V0->VX


Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference
Mattmikolay's Instruction Set Details
Chip-8's Wikipedia Page

Credit for the ROMS included


A chip8 emulator, debugger, and disassembler running in the terminal.






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