Update of 3S~Bot
3S~Bot with:
- Web Support:
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Update to latest data when data update in bot (Use Refresh)
- Plugin Buylimit
- Plugin Confess
- Voting
- Coming soon Other Plugin
- MultiFileAuth
- Jadibot MultiFileAuth
- Restart bot when file main.js have error and got fixed
- Latest @adiwajshing/baileys
- When the bot is called, the bot will send a warning no more send spam warning
- Unlimited database until your storage is full, but causes a little lag in the bot folder Here
- Online 24 jam
- Update self status WhatsApp
- No task cancel
- Antiprefix
- Because the bot updates the script and the data is quite large, there are some bugs, changes and errors in the script
- Console error when there is such a large error that the bot continues to run even when the console is turned off