Planning to cover:
- Proofs
- proof by induction
- proof by strong induction
- logs
- angle sum identities
- double angles
- partial fractions
- sine rule
- cosine rule
- graphs of trig functions
- Limits and Continuity
- One Sided Limits
- Worked solutions
- Fundementals
- Derive it from first principle
- Rules
- Higher order derivatives
- Application
- Related rates
- More stuff
- Fundementals
- Indefine Integral
- Definite Integral
- Different rules
- Numeric Integrals
- Simpson's rule
- Slope's field
- Application
- Solids area
- More stuff
- Integrating with respect to y
- Changing the limits of Integration
- U sub
- Osborn's Rule
- Hyperbolic derivatives
- Hyperbolic Integrals
- Implicit functions explicit functions
- Function composition
- First order linear
- Initial Value Problems
- General form and Polar Form of Complex Numbers
- Complex Conjugate
- Argand Diagram
- Complex Numbers as Roots of Cubic Equations
- De Moivre's Theorem
- Proof of De Moiivre's Thereom
Squeeze theorem