Project developed by Hállex Costa together with instructors Diego Fernades and Rodrigo Gonçalves
The project is a Habit Tracker, that allow a user to create a new Habit and see your summary of habits completed or non-completed changing the colors tone acoordingly with progress of user.
- Typescript (For add types to javascript)
- Expo (For create react native project app)
- React Reanimated (For create animation in check box and progress bar in React Native)
- TailwindCSS (For apply styles of pages, utilizing framework css that following pattern of utility-first)
- Nativewind (For apply styles of screens following the same concepts TailwindCSS but for React Native)
- Vite (For create react webapp)
- Radix (For accessibility of elements from HTML, for the sensors of write identify the content of page)
- Fastify (For create server API and define the enpoints)
- Prisma (For create migrations, database SQLite and persists data on database)
- PNPM Workspaces or Lerna (Tool to handle monorepo architecture)
- Notifications on Web
- Notifications on Mobile
- Authenticate with Firebase or Nhost
- Deploy API on Render
- Deploy Web on Netlify, Vercel or Render
- Migrate of SQLite to PostgreSQL
- Apply Clean Architecture on Frontend
- Apply Clean Architecture on Backend
For access info and descriptions of endpoints from API click to here