The original code (written in c language) can be found here
<!-- required -->
<script src="dist/cl-core.js"></script>
<!-- optional -->
<script src="dist/cl-gregorian.js"></script>
<script src="dist/cl-islamic-civil.js"></script>
<script src="dist/cl-jewish.js"></script>
<script src="dist/cl-julian.js"></script>
<script src="dist/cl-milankovic.js"></script>
<script src="dist/cl-solar-hijri.js"></script>
All of files except cl-core.js are optional.
var c = new Calendar(calendar_name);
There are 3 type of Calendar object's constructor:
var c1 = new Calendar("jw", new Date());
var c2 = new Calendar("sh", 1398, 1, 7);
var c3 = new Calendar("ml", 321545);
The first one take a js Date object as second parametere in continue the Calendar will convert Date into it's selected calendar (e.g: Jewish). The second constructor take y,m,d and last constructor take a Julian day.
The calendar's names and codes are shown in the below table:
Calendar name | Code |
Gregorian | gr |
Islamic civil | is |
Jewish | jw |
Julian | ju |
Milankovic | ml |
Solar hijri | sh |
Returns a string in yyyy/m/d format
Rteurn current year
Returns month
Returns day
Determine that year is leap or not
Determine that current date is valid or not
Returns months count in year
Returns days count in month
Returns days count in year
Convert current calendar to other calendar
var jc = new Calendar('gr', 2018, 3, 10);
var shc = jc.convert('sh');
alert("Solar hijri date is: " + shc.toString());