- Groningen
Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects.
Hampei / dailymile-ruby
Forked from dailymile/dailymile-rubydailymile ruby client
WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap, integrated in Rails assets pipeline
Hampei / rturk
Forked from ryantate/rturkRTurk - A simple wrapper and library for Amazon's Mechanical Turk
uses fitbit data to have a continuous five day race against your friends.
Hampei / em-http-request
Forked from igrigorik/em-http-requestAsynchronous HTTP Client (EventMachine + Ruby)
WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap, integrated in Rails assets pipeline
A rails 3 gem which allow user upload files to S3 through an embedded flash directly. All UI has been moved out of flex and can be controlled by CSS and JavaScript callbacks.
Hampei / asset_sync
Forked from AssetSync/asset_syncSynchronises Assets between Rails and S3
Hampei / runkeeper
Forked from sandro/runkeeperAPI client for Runkeeper (http://runkeeper.com)
Chrome extension that checks myth weaver for threads with new posts.
Hampei / stateflow
Forked from ryanza/stateflowState machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows
Hampei / rfeedparser
Forked from spidaman/rfeedparserrFeedParser is a translation of the Universal Feed Parser from Python into Ruby. It has nearly the exact same behavior. This fork differs from the jmhodges implementation in that it has no reliance…
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web for Rails asset pipeline.
GCC Installer for OSX! Without Xcode!
Hampei / paperclip
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
OAuth-based client for the fitbit.com REST API
plugin for wowza that is managed from an external application that creates shows with a callback for the next song to play.
Hampei / wowza-geoip
Forked from titpetric/wowza-geoipGeoIP module for Wowza Media Server 2.1.0+
A MacFUSE filesystem for browsing a github repository
spidaman / rfeedparser
Forked from jmhodges/rfeedparserrFeedParser is a translation of the Universal Feed Parser from Python into Ruby. It has nearly the exact same behavior. This fork differs from the jmhodges implementation in that it has no reliance…